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He's crowding you look out, there! Jam him! . . . He's pushing you hard. . . . Neck and neck, you fool. That black fiend can't be stopped. . . . Use the whip! Red, use the whip! It's all you've left. Slug her, slug her! That's it, that's it! Slug speed into her. Only a furlong to go. . . . Come on, Red, come on! . . . Here they come, in a smother of dust. Neck and neck down the stretch.

This is wot I wus thinkin'. I'll git right up to his shack, an' I'll call him every son-of-a I ken think of. See? He'll git riled, an' wal, I owe her a debt o' gratitood, an' I can't never pay it no other ways, so I'll jest see my slug finds his carkis right, 'fore he does me in." Arizona stepped back with an air of triumph. He could see no flaw in his plan. It was splendid, subtle.

"He's comin, now. He ain't no gambler's ghost tonight, though; he's pot black!" "Ghost," said Curly, "you take this around to Allie." It was a $50 octagonal slug. "Yessir." "And you say that there's more, all she wants, where that comes from." "Yessir."

It takes a certain amount of pressure to push the lead slug through the barrel. Such slight variations in diameter of the bore as one-tenth of a thousandth can be readily detected, for if the barrel is smaller at any point than where it entered, the slug will stick, and if it is the least bit larger at any point, the slug will slide through too easily.

Ere he ended he was pleading with the charwoman to seek her father in his own room, tell him her troubles, do what he told her, and fear nothing. And while he spoke, lo! the dragon slug had vanished; the ugly chapel was no longer the den of the hideous monster; it was but the dusky bottom of a glory shaft, adown which gazed the stars of the coming resurrection.

Then he brought in some strike-breakers and hired some thugs to slug them, and turned the police loose on the men and that was the end of the unions. Meanwhile he'd been running the politics of the town, and he'd given himself all the franchises there was nobody could do anything in Lockmanville unless he said so.

The Constant Warwick had afterwards many more guns placed in her, so that she ultimately rated as a 46-gun ship, when, from being an incomparable sailer, she became a slug.

The series of matrices thus assembled in line forms a line matrix, or, in other words, a line of female dies adapted to mold or form a line of raised type on a slug cast against the matrices. After the matrix line is composed, it is automatically transferred to the face of a slotted mold into which molten type-metal is delivered to form a slug or linotype against the matrices.

"I have rather diluted the dose than otherwise," returned Redpath. "Let me introduce Mr Slagg. He wishes to see Indian life in the `servants'-hall. Let him see it, and treat him well." "Yours to command," said Flinn, with a nod as he led the horses away. "This way, Mr Slug." "Slagg, if you please, Mr Flinn," said Jim.

"Speaking unofficially," he observed, "my advice is to shoot first and enquire after. Remember that every Pole and Russian and Hungarian there carries a knife or a slug he has to in self-protection and uses it as we do slang. Every foreign workman on a railway construction gang is a potential murderer. . . . I'd rather give evidence for you on a murder charge than strew flowers on your grave."