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"Well, come to the end of the jetty," he ses. "I've got something private to say." I got up slow-like and followed 'im. I wasn't a bit curious. Not a bit. But if a man asks for my 'elp I always give it. "It's like this," he ses, looking round careful, "only I don't want the other chaps to hear because I don't want to be laughed at. Last week an old uncle o' mine died and left me thirty pounds.

Wot made matters worse than anything was that my missis was kneeling down in the passage doing 'er door-step, and 'er face, as I got down out o' that cab with Kumbo 'anging on to my arm was something too awful for words. It seemed to rise up slow-like from near the door- step, and to go on rising till I thought it 'ud never stop. And every inch it rose it got worse and worse to look at.

"Bob shook his 'ead, and started talking to Bill Chambers about something else. "'I'll bet you two bob to one, Bob, ses Dicky. 'Well, three to one, then. "Bob sat up and looked at'im for a long time, considering, and at last he ses, 'All right, he ses, 'if Smith the landlord will mind the money I will. "He 'anded over his shilling, but very slow-like, and Dicky Weed 'anded over 'is money.

Goodman took the five pounds off of old Sam and stowed 'em away very careful in the match-box. "It's nice to 'ave money agin," he ses. "There's enough for a week's enjoyment here." "Yes," ses Sam, slow-like; "but wot I want to know is, wot about the day arter to-morrow, when Peter expects 'is money?" Mr. Goodman patted 'im on the shoulder. "Don't you worry about Peter's troubles," he ses.

"Bob shook his 'ead, and started talking to Bill Chambers about something else. "'I'll bet you two bob to one, Bob, ses Dicky. 'Well, three to one, then. "Bob sat up and looked at'im for a long time, considering, and at last he ses, 'All right, he ses, 'if Smith the landlord will mind the money I will. "He 'anded over his shilling, but very slow-like, and Dicky Weed 'anded over 'is money.

"If I'd 'a' married her, I'd 'a' seen things sooner," went on the old man. "I didn't see much beauty them days on sea or land. I was all for a good ketch and makin' money and gettin' a better boat. And about that time she died. I begun to learn things then slow-like when I hadn't the heart to work. If I'd married Jennie, I'd 'a' seen 'em sooner, bein' happy.

Wot made matters worse than anything was that my missis was kneeling down in the passage doing 'er door-step, and 'er face, as I got down out o' that cab with Kumbo 'anging on to my arm was something too awful for words. It seemed to rise up slow-like from near the door- step, and to go on rising till I thought it 'ud never stop. And every inch it rose it got worse and worse to look at.

"You see, this is the way I figger it: Russia and Japan wa'n't fightin' so much for anything they reely wanted to git. It was suthin' in 'em that made 'em go for each other, tooth and nail, and pommel so a kind o' pizen bubbling and sizzling inside 'em; we've all got a little of it." He smiled genially. "It has to work out slow-like.

"Because o' the surprise it'll be to 'im," ses Miss Tucker. "Let 'im rush on to 'is doom. He'll get a lesson 'e don't expect, the bully. Don't be afraid of 'urting 'im. Think o' pore Smith and Charlie Webb." "I am thinkin' of 'em," ses Ginger, slow-like. "Is is Bill very quick with his 'ands?" "Rather," ses Miss Tucker; "but o' course he ain't up to your mark; he's on'y known in these parts."

'Hold up, Marthy, says I; 'set right where you air; I'll open the gate fer you, and I'll do anything else fer you in the world 'at you want me to! "'W'y, what's pleased YOU so? she says, laughin', as she druv through slow-like and a-ticklin' my nose with the cracker of the buggy-whip. 'What's pleased YOU? "'Guess, says I, jerkin' the gate to, and turnin' to lift her out.