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"These greenhorns are not nice to play with," he said. "They're like some guns loaded when you don't expect it. We 've had enough skylarking." And when the sick man came out of hospital he went to the guard-house. After we had shown our mettle the general always had a good word for D'ri and me, and he put us to the front in every difficult enterprise.

He remarked, during the first hour of their discourse in the groves of Academe: "I hope you ain't going to bother me by singing and skylarking around. I'm here to work, bub."

"'There's something aloft that looks like a man, howled a seaman, one of the upstaring crowd about the Dutchman. 'Come forrad, sir. You'll see him. "The mate and the captain went forward and looked up. "'It's a man, exclaimed the captain. 'Aloft there! What are you doing skylarking up in those cross-trees? Come down! he cried, angrily.

Early in the morning the little procession laughing, joking, skylarking with the high spirits of men in the woods took its way up the river-trail. Late that evening, tired, but still inclined to mischief, they came to the first dam, where Shearer and Andrews met them. "How do you like it, Tim?" asked Thorpe that evening.

What you people don't understand is that telling a thing crudely and coarsely as it happened makes it sound frightfully strange. The sort of things Keith recounts are not the sort of things that a man would make up to cover himself with honour; they are too absurd. But they are the sort of things that a man would do if he were sufficiently filled with the soul of skylarking."

He was always ready to crack a joke and "carry on" when there was any skylarking about, besides willing to lend a hand at any time on a pinch. Jorrocks told me "to mind and be good friends with Pat," if it were only for the sake of the pannikin of hot coffee which it was in his power to dispense in the early morning when turning out on watch in the cold.

Master Larkyns knew as well as myself that if the tragic result of their skylarking should get wind and reach the ears of Captain Farmer, he and his brother mids would have a rough time of it, and probably all be had up on the quarter-deck. "All serene, Vernon, I under-constubble," he softly whispered back to me, in our gunroom slang.

"Who sang out land?" asked Davis. "If there's any boy playing funny-dog with me, I'll teach him skylarking!" But Uncle Ned contentedly pointed to a part of the horizon where a greenish, filmy iridescence could be discerned floating like smoke on the pale heavens. Davis applied his glass to it, and then looked at the Kanaka. "Call that land?" said he. "Well, it's more than I do."

As they came closer to us we could hear them laughing and talking and skylarking, like a lot of boys. They didn't think who was listening. 'You won't be so jolly in a minute or two, I thinks to myself. They were near the top when Starlight sings out, 'Stand! Bail up! and the three of us, all masked, showed ourselves.

He was a persistent, painstaking fellow when his interest was thoroughly aroused, and while other chaps were skylarking about in the water, he had been practising long swims, the consequence of which was that at the competition when, of course, the best prize was given for the longest race; the course, in this instance, being out to the head of the wharf, and back Frank left all the other contestants behind, and came in an easy winner.