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I'm weak now and I think it makes me nervous an' skeery.... I'll throw it off that quick," she snapped her fingers "out in the open air again out on the little farm." She was silent, as if trying to turn the subject, but she went back to it again. "You don't know how I've longed for this to get away from the mill. It's day in an' day out here an' shut up like a convict.

I've read you most part of the story of Bel and the Dragon, likewise the Articles of War, and a lot of psalms out of Sternhold and Hopkins; and now, if you feel skeery about losing the number of your mess, I'll make your Will for you, to be all shipshape before the Big Wigs of London.

At first I figured to keep the thing going and turn Gussiter into a corporation with John S. Blenkiron as president. But it wouldn't do, for at the first hint of tampering with their communications the whole bunch got skeery and sent out SOS signals. So we tenderly plucked the flowers. 'Gresson, too? I asked. He nodded. 'I guess your seafaring companion's now under the sod.

'Ca'se li'l' black Mose he come' a-fumblin' an' a-rattlin' at de do' jes whin dat ghost-tale mos' skeery, an' yiver'body gwine imaginate dat he a ghost a-fumblin' an' a-rattlin' at de do'. Yas, sah. So li'l' black Mose he turn' he white head, an' he look' roun' an' peer' roun', an' he say': "Whut you all skeered fo'?" 'Ca'se ef anybody skeered, he want' to be skeered too. Dat's natural.

"And I'm Frances Black, and Jimmy ought to be 'shamed to treat you like he does." "I knows a turrible skeery tale," remarked a malicious Billy, looking at Lina and Frances. "If y' all wa'n't girls I 'd tell it to you." "We aren't any more scared 'n you, William Hill," cried Frances, her interest at once aroused; "I already know 'bout 'raw meat and bloody bones' and nothing's scarier 'n that."

"Don't forget to call the next time you come this way," she said cheerfully, waving her knitting at us. "I hope you'll get safe to Bothwell. If I was ten years younger I vow I'd pack a grip and go along with you. I like your spunk. Most of the girls nowadays is such timid, skeery critters. When I was a girl I wasn't afraid of nothing or nobody."

"The second way is night-hunting, going after 'em in a canoe with a jack-light; same thing as jacking for deer. I guess you've tried that, so you'll know what it's like skeery kind o' work." Neal nodded an eloquent assent, and Herb went on: "The third method is a dog's trick. It's following 'em on snowshoes over deep snow. I've tried that once, and I'm blamed if I'll ever try it again.

"Wal, boys, I swan! it's many a long year since a panther was seen in these forests, so ye needn't feel skeery about meetin' one," said the old settler, as he stood outside his log home, and watched his guests start. "I'll 'low ye won't find travellin' too easy 'long the ole corduroy road. Come again!"

"My mother wrote me; about your getting it, Tump. I was glad to hear it." The brown man nodded, and stared down at the bit of gold on his barrel- like chest. "Yas-suh, dat 'uz guv to me fuh bravery. You know whut a skeery lil nigger I wuz roun' Hooker's Ben'; well, de sahgeant tuk me an' he drill ever' bit o' dat right out 'n me.

You know I've ben dreadful skeery ever sence Tom was brought home with his arm broke after a fight with a strange man in the dark. Well, this man to-night he put the bundle or what not into a wheelbarrow an' set off quiet as a mouse.