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"And we have no time to lose," cried Nick, "Now, then, we're off." "Yes, Chick, it's as simple as two plus two, and we'll presently try to bag a part of our quarry. But first of all, I want a bit of corroborative evidence which I expect to get from that Hindoo snake charmer, Pandu Singe." "Going there first, Nick?" "Yes; it will not take long.

"Five minutes more and we'll arrh! would you?" The flaring torch he dashed full at a grisly muzzle that snapped and slavered at his legs. To their nostrils the singe of burned hair wafted. Yelping, the beast swerved back. But others ran in and in at them; and now the torch was failing. Both of them shouted and struck; and the revolver stabbed the night with fire. Pandemonium rose in the forest.

"You better pull yer freight before I take a wallop at yuh," he remarked, loudly. "Tell 'im to go git a shave, bo," suggested the bullet-headed man. "I'll singe the eyebrow offa him myself if he don't git outa here," growled the cow hand, turning back to his liquor. De Launay went back to his table and sat down.

But the voice of Captain Purlrose was heard thundering out the words: "Stand fast! Only a few drops of pitch, and a singe or two. Here, two of you, throw them back." An exchange of burning missiles now took place for a few minutes, which soon ended on the part of the defenders, who, roaring with rage and pain, kept on trampling out the torches now thrown. "Stop!" cried Mark. "It's of no good.

"Try it again and I'll surely singe your hide!" he shouted, and swung round as he heard Drummond's cautious step. "If you sling that cutter at him, I'll put you on the fire. Get out now; I'm coming to see you go!" Drummond backed to the door, with the red iron a few inches from his face, and when he had gone the smith signed to Driscoll. "You're not going yet!

Add some strong white-wine vinegar, and keep it well covered down. PICKLED STURGEON. The following is an excellent imitation of pickled sturgeon. Take a fine large turkey, but not old; pick it very nicely, singe, and make it extremely clean. Bone and wash it, and tie it across and across with a piece of mat string washed clean.

They found Pandu Singe at home with his interpreter, and the two detectives were very cordially received. Nick quickly disclosed his business. "We wish to borrow your personalities for a short time, also some of your curious garments," he explained to Pandu Singe, through his interpreter, who also was a Hindoo of superior education.

"I was going to close my account of the Dyaks; but I had scarcely penned the last sentence when a large party of Singè Dyaks and five Dyaks of Sigo arrived thus all these enemies meeting. In the conference which followed, the Singè allowed they were wrong in attacking Sigo, and laid all the blame on the old chief, Parembam.

He stared at his wife as if he had just become conscious of her presence. The grayness in his face deepened, and his lips grew livid. Like a man condemned to death, he stared at the world he was losing. "Who is Bessie Lowe?" Leila questioned. "And why have they called you to tell of her?" Her eyes blazed with a fire that seemed about to singe pretense from his soul.

It is a good plan to singe injured poultry over lighted charcoal, and to hold a piece of lighted charcoal inside, a few minutes. Many people parboil the liver and gizzard, and cut it up very fine, to be put into the gravy, while the fowls are cooking; in this case, the water they are boiled in should be used to make the gravy.