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I was retired from actual service to a prison, and he bore his new master off to battle against his old friends. Packed closely in old, dilapidated stock and box cars, as if cattle in shipment to market, we pounded along slowly, and apparently interminably, toward the Rebel capital. The railroads of the South were already in very bad condition.

Sometimes the call meant the immediate shipment of tons of blankets, oranges, lemons, sugar, flour for doughnuts, lard, chocolate and other materials, to a point 200 miles distant. At times a railroad may supply a part of the route, but always there is a long, dangerous truck haul, and usually the entire route must be covered by truck.

Since it is essential that the seller and buyer should make their analyses upon comparable material, it is customary for each analyst to determine the moisture in the sample examined, and then to calculate the percentages of the various constituents with reference to a sample dried in the air, or at a temperature a little above 100°C., which, unless the ore has undergone chemical change because of the wetting, should be the same before and after shipment.

The two gentlemen agreed, as they sat at the table covered with supper, wine, and glittering arms, that to remain was to risk their lives with no good object. It was clear that they must fly. Toussaint suggested that a quantity of sugar from the Breda estate was now at Port Paix, lying ready for shipment. There was certainly one vessel, if not more, in that port, belonging to the United States.

He rode around the corral, and was soon satisfied that all was right. He was riding away over the plain, glad to be able to report to Mr. Carson that the cattle were in fine shape for shipment, when a sudden noise caused him to turn around. To Dave's surprise he saw the cattle, in a small stampede, rushing from the corral, straight toward him in an overwhelming mass.

James Sinclair, a member of a most respectable Scotch half-breed family, had obtained the privilege from the Company to export tallow, the product of the buffalo, by way of York Factory to England. The venture succeeded, but a second shipment was held at York Factory for nearly two years, and thus Sinclair was virtually compelled to sell it to the Company.

She carried, all told, eighty hands. I found two or three old shipmates aboard her, but no one whom I could call a friend. We reached the coast without any adventure, and in those days the slaves who had come down from the interior being collected in depots, ready for shipment, we soon got our cargo on board.

On the strength of his permit without special limit, he had purchased, or otherwise procured, all the cotton he could find in the immediate vicinity. He was allowed to make shipment of a few hundred bales; the balance was detained. Immediately, as this transaction became known, every speculator was on the qui vive to discover a widow or an orphan.

The first shipment, consisting of Early Red June, was received from F. E. Dawley, of Fayetteville, on August fifth, and from that time until September twenty-sixth, additions were made almost daily. One hundred and twenty-eight varieties, arrayed on hundreds of plates, and occupying nearly a third of the New York space, compelled the attention and admiration of every passer-by.

But we’re overdue for shipment to somewhere, and if you take eight weeks’ leave, we’ll be gone by the time you come back to the platform." "I liked serving with all of you, too." Rip replied. "I watched the way you all behaved when the space-flap was getting tough and it made me proud to be a Planeteer." Major Joe Barris came in. He was carrying an envelope in his hand. "Hello, Rip.