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But I'd rather go to the manse; Mrs. Monro would be sure to take us! cried Vava. However, before Vava had uttered the last word, another knock came at the door, and in answer to Stella's 'Come in! David M'Taggart entered, looking rather shamefaced.

"Welcome, Captain Morgan," he cried. "We had given up all hopes of seeing you again." "Hello, Waters," said Grim. "Where's Lieutenant Pemberton?" The other looked shamefaced. "He's, gone," he muttered. "Took two hundred men with him." Morgan's face was awful. "Disobeyed orders, did he? Where did he go?" "To join in the attack on Great New York.

"As it is, she's been eating nothing lately and is losing her looks, and then you must come and upset her with your nonsense," she said to him. "Get along with you, my dear!" Levin, guilty and shamefaced, but pacified, went back to his hotel. His brother, Darya Alexandrovna, and Stepan Arkadyevitch, all in full dress, were waiting for him to bless him with the holy picture.

But he got through safely, though cruelly scared, and got a fine round of applause when he made his manufactured bow and retired. A little shamefaced girl lisped, "Mary had a little lamb," etc., performed a compassion-inspiring curtsy, got her meed of applause, and sat down flushed and happy.

There was no one behind the counter, on which stood an ornate soda-fountain with the usual appliances for hot and cold beverages. A thought struck Carroll. He put his hand in his pocket and looked down at the boy. "Do you like chocolate?" he asked. The boy blushed and hung his head. "Do you?" persisted Carroll. "I didn't ask for any," the boy said, in an exceedingly shamefaced voice.

She went as before to the mass as to a festival, she prayed with rapture, with a kind of restrained and shamefaced transport, at which Marya Dmitrievna secretly marvelled not a little, and even Marfa Timofyevna, though she did not restrain Lisa in any way, tried to temper her zeal, and would not let her make too many prostrations to the earth in her prayers; it was not a lady-like habit, she would say.

"Well?" and Allie was all attention, as she smiled up at her cousin's perplexed face. "In the first place, how much is a bit?" demanded Charlie. "Twelve and a half cents," she answered promptly. "Why?" "I don't know as I dare tell," Charlie replied, with a shamefaced laugh. "Go on," urged Allie curiously. "I'm sure it's something funny, and you know I never tell tales."

The council consisted of Lord Marshmoreton, looking rather shamefaced, his son Percy looking swollen and serious, and Lady Caroline Byng, looking like a tragedy queen. "This," Lord Belpher was saying in a determined voice, "settles it. From now on Maud must not be allowed out of our sight." Lord Marshmoreton spoke. "I rather wish," he said regretfully, "I hadn't spoken about the note.

I was a little shamefaced to see march past, taking their share of the fine and tranquil smile distributed by Marie, some women who had formerly been my mistresses Madame Lacaille, nervous, subtle, mystical; big Victorine and her good-natured rotundity, who had welcomed me any time and anywhere; and Madeleine Chaine; and slender Antonia above all, with the Italian woman's ardent and theatrical face, ebony-framed, and wearing a hat of Parisian splendor.

His eyes were already blood-shot and his cheeks reddened. The motions of his lithe body were unsteady. With a shamefaced gesture the young man sought to conceal the flask under his coat, then a fickle change came to his mood. His head bent down low like a bull's and his shoulders hulked in a stiffening defiance. "Spyin' on me, air ye?" The question rasped savagely from his thickened lips.