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He was mos' dead, sho'. Dat's one time he mos' done gone to glory, sho'. But he all right now; he come out. An' when he do, oh, great Laud, don't I jes' want him to go for dem "Sesh." Yes, I tell you, I do. Dar is no mistake on dat pint. "The day passed. The Colonel improved and conversed considerably with his wife. We left them together all we could to enjoy their reunion.

De Laud do do dis. He done told me up at de smoke-house to take all dat we wanted, an' dat when Massa Tom done get well, dat we mus go wid him 'way from heah an' lib with Massa Tom; dat de Sesh kill us when dey find out we done cure him up. Yes, sah, de Laud say dat to me, sho. "I said to him: 'Ham, are you sure the Lord said that; did you not dream it, or was it not Aunt Martha that said it?

But de Sesh dey is quar folks dey is; dey fight doe, don' dey, Massa Tom? "'Yes; they fight like other people. "By this time they were at headquarters, and Ham got hold of his namesake and devoured it as a wild beast would have done. Ham was very serious and finally said: "'Massa Tom, I guess dey not fight any mo' berry soon, does dey? "The General replied that he did not know.

De bug he be Sesh; skare you, dat's all; bite de chilien little spec, dat's all. "We all laughed at the curious speech of old Ham, and yet he sat down and commenced counting his fingers, and said: "'How many chilien yo' got, misses? "'Seven. "'Ham became silent, and nothing more could be got from him on the subject of the dream. He never spoke of the matter again to any of us, except to Peter.

Why, dem "Sesh," when dey fetch Massa Tom heah in de old wagon, dey des frowed him out like he been a hog, and tole Ham an' me dat we mus' dig a hole and put him in; dat we be killed if we don't. I done went and looked at him, an' tole Ham dat he wasn't dead; dat he was wa'm an' bredin.

All seemed to have overlooked Seraine in their great joy over Henry's return. I introduced her to each one of the family including old Ham and Aunt Martha. "'Didn't I see dem in my glass, Marfa; didn't I? What you got to say now? "'I 'spects you did, Ham; dey is heah, sho. Bress de Laud; he bring dis boy home. I not see him afore dem pizen Sesh fix him dat way! Dey starve him.

Else you not say dem hard words 'bout Ham. No, indeed, you not know 'bout me. "'I 'specs dat's so, Ham. How many of de Sesh does you 'specs you is killed? "'Don' know, don' know. I neber counted em; war too busy, Marfa. "This was getting Ham into a close place, and he retired.

Old Ham had come in, and stood in one corner of the room looking on the scene with his hands locked together over his head. He was heard to say over and over in a low tone: "'De Lord bress dese chilien. "Aunt Martha took hold of Mary, saying: "'Deah Misses, yo' jes' stop dat cryin'. You ought to be 'joiced dat Massa Tom be libbin. You ought ter seed him when de "Sesh" fotched him heah.

I all de time noticed dey is powerful feared ob de Sesh', Marsa Lyon. De General know dat am so. "'Well, Ham, you must be ready to go back with me when I return. "'Oh, yes, Marsa; oh, yes! I go all right; I will, sho' as you is bawn. But I tells you dat Marsa Peter am powerful bad, he am, sho'. I dream it all out las' night. Missus, she be right in dat. He be agoin' dis time, and no mistake.

You mussent get 'cited now nuffln of the kine. Jes' see de folks like yo' allers done. Dey's come a mighty long ways to fine yo'. Wish dey stay away 'til I cure yo'; but spose it's all rite. De good Laud he done knowed de bes'. Maybe de "Sesh" come take him some day afore long, so de Laud he knows what he wants. Bress de good Laud. "'I went out to meet the others.