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"But I have done an awful wrong and you may loathe me and desert me when you see me self-condemned." The despairing tones of the weak voice touched every sympathetic chord in the heart of his listener. "I don't care what you may have done," he cried, enthusiastically, "let me help you all I can, you will not ask an impossibility I know." The invalid heaved a labored sigh, and began his story.

"Education, " says another contemporary, "amiable qualities, gentle ways, a mild physiognomy, bodily graces, a cultivated mind, all natural endowments are henceforth the inevitable causes of proscription." One is self-condemned if one has not converted oneself into a sans-culotte and proletarian, in accordance with affected modes, air, language and dress. Hence,

An uncontrollable look of mingled rage and fear made its plain confession in Fanny's face. She had been discovered; she had heard herself called "drolesse;" she stood before the two men self-condemned. Her angry master threatened her with instant dismissal from the house. The doctor interfered. "No, no," he said; "you mustn't deprive Lady Harry, at a moment's notice, of her maid.

"Silence!" roared the jeddak, leaping to his feet and laying his hand upon the hilt of his sword. "Silence, blasphemer! Kulan Tith need not permit the air of his audience chamber to be defiled by the heresies that issue from your polluted throat to judge you. "You stand already self-condemned. It but remains to determine the manner of your death.

It is true there was yet time to save the life of the prisoner, but to admit Jacques innocent, was to take the glory out of his own speech, and turn the sting of his argument against himself. Besides, if he produced the witness who had secretly given him the information, he should be self-condemned, for he could not conceal that he had been aware of the circumstance before the trial.

Though all passion stood self-condemned, there were nevertheless certain 'eupathies, or happy affections, which would be experienced by the ideally good and wise man. These were not perturbations of the soul, but rather 'constancies'; they were not opposed to reason, but were rather part of reason.

To meet with an unfortunate woman, amiable and young, deserted and widowed by those who were bound by every tie of duty, nature, and gratitude to protect, comfort and cherish her; add to all, when she is perhaps one of the first of lovely forms and noble minds the mind, too, that hits one's taste as the joys of Heaven do a saint should a faint idea, the natural child of imagination, thoughtfully peep over the fence were you, my friend, to sit in judgment, and the poor, airy straggler brought before you, trembling, self-condemned, with artless eyes, brimful of contrition, looking wistfully on its judge you could not, my dear Madam, condemn the hapless wretch to death without benefit of clergy?

We are all capable of detecting the falsity if the facts of life are distorted before our eyes, or represented in so dull or meagre a way that they afford us no vivid experience whatsoever. An artist stands self-condemned if his interpretation fails to correspond with that outward life to which our senses are a sufficient guide.

That night I paid my rent with your father's money, and then I went home." "It was my father's money, then not Wilson's?" said Ralph. "It was as I say," Sim answered, as though hurt by the implication. Ralph put his hand on Sim's shoulder. Self-condemned, this poor man's conscience was already a whirlpool that drew everything to itself.

Or are you a traitor to us both?" Esterbrook made no answer. He bowed his pale, miserable face before her, self-condemned. The breast of the bay sparkled with its countless gems like the breast of a fair woman. The shores were purple and amethystine in the distance. Far out, bluish, phantom-like sails clustered against the pallid horizon. The dory danced like a feather over the ripples.