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One needs only to mention the concern of Herder, as displayed in theFragmente über die neuere deutsche Litteratur,” and his statement with reference to the predicament as realized by thoughtful minds may serve as a summing up of that part of the situation. “Seit der Zeit ist keine Klage lauter and häufiger als über den Mangel von Originalen, von Genies, von Erfindern, Beschwerden über die Nachahmungs- und gedankenlose Schreibsucht der Deutschen.”

"Seit jenem Tage wo ich zum ersten Male in deinen schönen Augen geblickt habe, habe ich dich grenzenlos geliebt." "I'm sorry I can understand nothing but English," I say, turning to see if I can catch a glimpse of Mrs. Steele. "Señorita!" The Peruvian holds my finger tips fast to the rail with a hand that trembles a little.

The Prince does not listen. He is impatient in the high air. Perhaps he will think his schtar has been making a fool of him. Perhaps he will think I haf been making a fool of him." He wrinkled his forehead, and drew in the corners of his mouth. "I got the plans," said Bert. "Yes. There is that! Yes. But you see the Prince was interested in Herr Pooterage because of his romantic seit.

Receivers of the public revenue, their correspondence extended all over Asia; and there are those who are of opinion that the house of Juggut Seit, including all its branches, was not worth less than six or seven millions sterling. This house became the prey of Cossim Ali Khân; but Mr.

It is agreed, effendi!" Then he ordered his prisoners made fast, and the gipsies and our Zeitoonli servants attended to it, he himself, however, binding the German's hands and feet. Will went and put bandages on the man's burns, I standing by, to help. But we got no thanks. "Ihr seit verruckt!" he sneered. "You take the side of bandits. Passt mal auf there will be punishment!"

It is a German, not an Italian or a Frenchman, the philosopher Nietzsche, who writes: "Seit es Menschen giebt, hat der Mensch sich zu wenig gefreut; das allein ist unsere Erbsünde." There has been a great change in the status of women in the last twenty-five years.

Sell, in the very title of his illuminating little book, Christenthum und Weltgeschichte seit der Reformation: das Christenthum in seiner Entwickelung über die Kirche hinaus, 1910, records an impression, which is widespread and true, that the characteristic mark of modern Christianity is that it has transcended the organs and agencies officially created for it.

LITERATURE. See lists of works on general history, p. 16; on modern history, p. 395; on the history of particular countries, p. 359. General Works on the Period. Europas seit d. Reformation in France. The Revolt of the Netherlands. The Reformation in England. The Histories of Macaulay. Lingard, Froude, Burnet's History of the Reformation in England. On the Reformation in Scotland.

She tried to imagine him without the house and the family, not talking or joking or pretending... alone and sad... despising his family... needing her. He loved forests and music. He had a great strong solid voice and was strong and sure about everything and she need never worry any more. "Seit ich ihn gesehen Glaub' ich blind zu sein."

The subject of the Latin translations of Aristotle is traversed by A. and C. Jourdain, Recherches critiques sur l'âge des traductions latines d'Aristote, 2nd ed., Paris, 1843; M. Grabmann, Forschungen uber die lateinischen Aristoteles Ubersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster i/W., 1916; and F. Wüstenfeld, Die Ubersetzungen arabischer Werke in das Lateinische seit dem XI. Jahrhundert, Göttingen, 1877.