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It is also described in Richard Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, IV. Economic conditions are further described in two books by K. Habler, Geschichte der Fugger'schen Handlung in Spanien ; Die Wirtschaftliche Blute Spaniens im XVI. Jahrhundert und ihr Verfall .

The sentiments thus appealed to may not have been of the loftiest, but it must be remembered that the reform was to be gradual, and higher motives could be suggested when the subject was ready for them. * Dr. Alois Postina, Der Karmelit Eberhard Billick. Ein Lebensbild aus dem 16, Jahrhundert, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1901, p. 25.

W. Arnold, Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Freistadte, 1854, Bd. ii. 227 seq.; Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koeln, Bd. i. 228-229; also the documents published by Ennen and Eckert. Conquest of England, 1883, p. 453. Byelaeff, Russian History, vols. ii. and iii. W. Gramich, Verfassungsund Verwaltungsgeschichte der Stadt Wurzburg im 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, Wurzburg, 1882, p. 34.

Bernhardi: Geschichte Russlands und der europäischen Politik im XIX^ten Jahrhundert.

I deals with the years 1806-1815; Heinrich von Treitschke, Deutsche Geschichte im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 5 vols. I, in Eng. trans. , covers the period down to 1814; Heinrich Ulmann, Geschichte der Befreiungskriege, 1813 und 1814, 2 vols.

Sidney Low, "The Most Christian Powers," Fortnightly Review, March, 1912. XI., chap. xv.; Vol. XII., chap. xiv. See A. Vambéry, Der Islam im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, chap. vi. "X," "La Situation politique de la Perse," Revue du Monde musulman, June, 1914. As already stated, the editor vouches for this anonymous writer as a distinguished Mohammedan official "un homme d'étât musulman."

IV, ch. xviii-xxi; R. N. Bain, Slavonic Europe: a Political History of Poland and Russia from 1447 to 1796 , ch. i-iv; T. Schiemann, Russland, Polen, und Livland bis ins 17ten Jahrhundert, 2 vols. Norway: H. H. Boyesen, The History of Norway , a brief popular account in "Story of the Nations" Series.

The influence of climatic and other environmental factors has been ably treated by Prof. See also Chap. III. in Arminius Vambéry Der Islam im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. The Turkish overrunning of Asia Minor took place after the destruction of the Byzantine army in the great battle of Manzikert, A.D. 1071. The Turks captured Jerusalem in 1076.

Alwin Schultz, Deutsches Leben im XIV und XV Jahrhundert, grosse Ausgabe, Wien, 1892, pp. 67 seq. At Paris, the day of labour varied from seven to eight hours in the winter to fourteen hours in summer in certain trades, while in others it was from eight to nine hours in winter, to from ten to twelve in Summer.

And truly he justified the epithet, for great, fabulously great, was Akbar as man, general, statesman and ruler, all in all a prince who deserves to be known by every one whose heart is moved by the spectacle of true human greatness. Vol. IV, Pt. II, Berlin, 1887; but especially Count F.A. von Noer, Kaiser Akbar, ein Versuch über die Geschichte Indiens im sechzehnten Jahrhundert, Vol.