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He was shortly afterwards called away to Freiburg, and for thirty years the cave was disregarded and neglected. But at the end of that time Tanner returned to Appenzell, and interested the parish priest Ulmann in it. When war broke out between Schwyz and Zurich in 1656, Ulmann concealed the treasures of the church in the cave.

I deals with the years 1806-1815; Heinrich von Treitschke, Deutsche Geschichte im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 5 vols. I, in Eng. trans. , covers the period down to 1814; Heinrich Ulmann, Geschichte der Befreiungskriege, 1813 und 1814, 2 vols.

This drew attention to it, and shortly after an altar was furnished with what was needful, and on the Feast of S. Michael in 1657 mass was again said there. Various matters loss of friends, and contests with the secular authorities wearied Ulmann, and he resolved on retiring as a hermit to the cave in the cliff, taking with him, however, an attendant.

Gebhart's authorities are the Memoriale of Francesco Albertini; Anonyme Gaddiano, the manuscript of the Magliabecchiana, which precedes the Vasari edition; the Life of Botticelli, by Vasari, and many later studies, the most complete, he avers, being that of Hermann Ulmann of Munich, whose Sandro Botticelli, which appeared in 1893, is rigorously critical.

But I object to the word poetical, as a distinctive term, because all myths have their foundation in the poetic idea. Ulmann, for instance, distinguishes between a myth and a legend the former containing, to a great degree, fiction combined with history, and the latter having but a few faint echoes of mythical history. In his "Prolegomena zu einer wissenshaftlichen Mythologie," cap. iv.