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Green's remarks in Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, vol. ii. chaps. v. viii. x; and A. Doren's review of the subject in Schmoller's Forschungen, vol. xii. Altogether, it must be remarked that the origin of the mediaeval city can be ascribed to no separate agency. It was a result of many agencies in different degrees.

L. Stephens and S. Lee, Dictionary National Biography, under Wace. A Ulbrich, Romanische Forschungen, XXVI, 181 ff. Constantine came to Totnes, and many a stout knight with him there was not one but was worthy of the kingship. The host set forth towards London, and sent messages in every part, bidding the Britons to their aid, for as yet they were too fearful to come from their secret places.

The chief wealth of the chieftains, for a long time, was in their personal domains peopled partly with prisoner slaves, but chiefly in the above way. On the origin of property see Inama Sternegg's Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, in Schmoller's Forschungen, Bd.

Not otherwise, at an earlier date, 'Sermo' and 'Verbum' contended for the honour of rendering the 'Logos' of St. John; though here there can be no serious doubt on which side the advantage lay, and that in 'Verbum' the right word was chosen. Forschungen, vol. v. p. lxix, and elsewhere, has much interesting instruction on the subject.

[Footnote 28: “Laurence Sterne und C. M. Wieland, von Karl August Behmer, Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte IX. München, 1899. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung fremder Einflüsse auf Wieland’s Dichtung.” To this reference has been made. There is also another briefer study of this connection: a

In a posthumous work, Mythologische Forschungen , the work from which Mr. Max Muller cites the letter to Mullenhoff, Mannhardt discusses Demeter Erinnys. Legend is ransacked for proof of this. Poseidon is the lord of wind and wave. Now, there are waves of corn, under the wind, as well as waves of the sea. 'This is the germ of the Arcadian Saga. It is very neat!

Wittenberg’s letter in Quellen und Forschungen, II, pp. 52-53. K. M. Werner, in article on Ludw. Philipp Hahn in the same series, XXII, pp. 127

Hawkesworth, Account of the Voyages, etc., 1775, vol. ii, p. 254. R.W. Codrington, The Melanesians, p. 235. F.S. Krauss, Romanische Forschungen, 1903, p. 290. H. Schurtz, Altersklassen und Männerbünde, 1902, p. 190. Cf. Robertson Smith, Religion of Semites, second edition, p. 59. Herodotus, Bk. I, Ch. CXCIX; Baruch, Ch. VI, p. 43.

If Freud had emphasized the point that this later formulation was more than a vehicle for the cruder thoughts, that it contained components which were potentially of social value, which implied a broader contact with the world had he done this then the present paper would be superfluous. Jahrb. f. psychoanalyt. u. psychopath. Forschungen, Jahrg.

[Footnote 1: Quellen und Forschungen, II, p.