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Updated: August 8, 2024

If paper is used, it should be very soft, such as plain Japanese napkins. Scraps of plain net or scrim are most desirable. Some child is apt to contribute a piece of large-patterned lace curtain, but the tactful teacher will avoid using it if possible, and direct the children's thoughts toward a better taste in draperies. Portières may be made of cloth, of knotted cords, or chenille.

A note to Marian Chase brought up a big parcel by stage to the Ute Valley, four miles away, from which it was fetched over by a cow-boy on horseback; and Clover worked away busily at scrim curtains for the windows, while Mrs.

She seemed about Dolly's age, and she had a pretty bright face with a mop of curly black hair. She wore a red dress and a red hair-ribbon, and she made a vivid picture, framed in the open window. Dolly looked through the scrim of her bedroom curtain, and then to see better, moved the curtain aside, and watched the black-haired girl.

Every man is wet, panting, disfigured, but eager for the fight. Again the scrim forms, only to fall upon the ball. "Dead ball," announces the referee, and both teams begin to manoeuvre for advantage of position. A few inches is a serious thing. Again the ball is placed and the men throw themselves upon it, Shock as usual at the bottom of the heap with the ball under him.

Meantime Huntingdon is protesting to the referee. "I claim that ball was fairly held, back there. Balfour was brought to a dead stand." "How do you know, Huntingdon?" returns Campbell. "Your head was down in the scrim." "I could see his legs. I know his boots." It is true that The Don has a peculiar toe on his boots. "Oh," jeers Campbell scornfully, "that's all rot, you know, Huntingdon."

It was still dreary, it must be confessed. There were a dozen things she wished she could do to improve it. There were nothing but paper shades at the windows. Even a simple scrim curtain And, in thinking of this, Nan raised her eyes to one window to see a face pressed close against the glass, and two rolling, crablike eyes glaring in at her. "Mercy!" ejaculated Nan Sherwood.

A pair of plain white muslin or scrim curtains draped back with a band of the same, and plain white covers on washstand and dresser impart a certain air of dainty hominess. A cheap set of hanging shelves for books and clock would be a welcome addition. Walls and floor should be painted, and a colonial rug placed before the bed.

Rug Large Oriental In blues, yellows, browns, or old rose and black; Wilton in blues, yellows, brown, or old rose, and black; Axminster in blues, yellows, browns, or old rose, and black; Chenille or velvet, in plain colors. Curtains Glass curtains to match living room, in either marquisette, cheese cloth, or scrim, made plain.

Rugs Oriental in black, blues, or yellows, plain brown or tan carpet, made into a large rug, or wool braided, hooked, or heavy rag rugs, in black, blues, tans, browns. Small rugs should be placed near the bed, dressing table, and high-boy. Curtains Glass curtains of scrim, marquisette, or cheese-cloth, to correspond with those of living room and dining room.

Lynn arose suddenly, her chin a bit high, a light of determination in her eyes. She felt herself growing angry again: "Come and look at my view of the moon on the valley," she said suddenly, pulling aside the soft scrim curtain and letting in a flood of moonlight. "Here, I'll turn out the light so you can see better. Isn't that beautiful?"

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