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Barrin' thar ain't no Sittin' Bulls layin' in wait fer us, behead yander, in ther mounts, I'm of ther candid opinion we'll get through wi'out scrapin' a ha'r." "I hope so," said Fearless Frank, rolling over on the grass and gazing at the guide, thoughtfully, "but I doubt it.

"Would ye mind heftin' that 'ere coin in your hand feelin' it, bitin' it, scrapin' it with a knife, and kinder seein' how it compares with other coins?" "What do you mean?" said Renshaw. "I mean that that yer coin that ALL the coins in this yer box, that all the coins in them other boxes and ther's forty on 'em is all and every one of 'em counterfeits!"

Lawless was not greedy, but he and good gold were not at variance. "See," said Shon, "the valley's the thing. We can hunt as we go, and if there's gold for the scrapin', why, there y'are fill up and come again. If not, divil the harm done.

"Well, bad win to the bit of it he'd gi' me, and the ould chap begins bowin' and scrapin', and said something or other about a long tongs. "'Phoo! the divil swape yourself and your tongs, says I; 'I don't want a tongs at all at all; but can't you listen to raison? says I. 'Parly voo frongsay? "'We, munseer. "'Then lind me the loan of a gridiron, says I, 'and howld your prate.

"Sure we haven't had our own suppers yet," returned Dan, slowly rising; "time enough to give the cratur's what's left." "Listen to the man! 'Pon me word, ye'd never desarve a bit o' good look, Dan Brophy, ye've that little sense. What call have we to go pinchin' an' scrapin' now, will ye tell me? Us that's goin' to spend the rest of our days in peace an' comfort.

But I did contend for it to the last, that I didn't believe a rostrum would be any more tottlin' and skairful a place than the barell I had been a-standin' on all day, nor the work I'd do on it any harder than the scrapin' of the ceilin' of that meetin house. And I don't believe it would, I stand jest as firm on it to-day as I did then.

And then come the International Dress and Costume Company all the different countries of the globe show their home life and costumes. And I sez to Josiah, "If this Fair had been put off ten years, or even five, I believe the American wimmen would show a costume less adapted to squeezin' the life out of 'em, and scrapin' up all the filth and disease in the streets, and rakin' it hum."

"What a pity!" says she. "But the various kinds of poultry you were going in for? Did you " "Did I?" says I. "Say, you just come out and Well, Leon, anything you want special?" "Pardon, m'sieu," says old Leon, scrapin' his foot, "but but the turkeys." "Yes, I know," says I. "They're doing that new trot Joe's been teaching 'em." "But no, m'sieu," says Leon. "They have become deceased utterly."

Dicky's way of getting information seemed guileless, and Holgate opened his basket as wide as he knew. It be reg'lar as kitchen-fire, this Hasha business, for three years, ever sin' aw been scrapin' mud o' Nile River." "That was a nasty row they had over the cemetery three years ago, the Governor against the lot, from mamour to wekeel!"

"I gave him a hundred pounds, but not at all as a bribe, sir; I'm an honest man, I trust an' the Lord forbid I'd have anything to do wid a bribe; an' if you an' he knew if you only knew, both o' you the hard strivin, an' scrapin, an' sweepin' I had to get it together " "That will do, sir; be silent. You received this money, Mr. Henderson?"