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We were within fifty yards o' her while Kinloch was garmin' me all over wi' oil behind the galley; an' as we ran past I went outboard for the salvage o' three hunder thousand pound. Man, it was perishin' cold, but I'd done my job judgmatically, an' came scrapin' all along her side slap on to the lower gratin' o' the gangway. No one more astonished than me, I assure ye.

Ortheris handled the stuff respectfully for a moment while I was trying to remember where I had seen it before. Then he screamed, "What 'ave you done with the palanquin? You're wearin' the linin'." "I am," said the Irishman, "an' by the same token the 'broidery is scrapin' my hide off. I've lived in this sumpshus counterpane for four days.

Dicky's way of getting information seemed guileless, and Holgate opened his basket as wide as he knew. It be reg'lar as kitchen-fire, this Hasha business, for three years, ever sin' aw been scrapin' mud o' Nile River." "That was a nasty row they had over the cemetery three years ago, the Governor against the lot, from mamour to wekeel!"

"I 'd go out ef I thought I could find anythin' to work at." "Don't you go anywhaih, child. It 'ud only be worse. De niggah men dat ust to be bowin' an' scrapin' to me an' tekin' off dey hats to me laughed in my face. I met Minty an' she slurred me right in de street. Dey 'd do worse fu' you." In the midst of the conversation a knock came at the door.

I've never seen the old man since and never want to. Bad cess to him. "Would ye like a bite before ye turn in, sor? It's past supper-time, but I can find ye a scrapin' av something." "A bite and a bath, if I may?" I put in. "I'm sticky all over." "A bath! Right ye are. I knew ye was a toff the minute I clapped my blinkers on ye."

But I did contend for it to the last, that I didn't believe a rostrum would be any more tottlin' and skairful a place than the barell I had been a-standin' on all day, nor the work I'd do on it any harder than the scrapin' of the ceilin' of that meetin house. And I don't believe it would, I stand jest as firm on it to-day as I did then.

"Jonadab was at the bottom step to welcome 'em, bowin' and scrapin' as if his middle j'int had just been iled. I wa'n't fur astern, and every boarder on deck was all eyes and envy. "The shofer opens the door of the after cockpit of the machine, and the man gets out fust, treadin' gingerly but grand, as if he was doin' the ground a condescension by steppin' on it.

"It's between man and man now, Mister Whimple this ain't no yarn. My Pa says he uster think no man could keep a buncher kids like us and be happy, and now he thinks no man could be happy without a bunch like us, and Ma says it's hard scrapin' sometimes, but she wouldn't be without one of us for a thousand feeter land on the main street, and that's going some." "What does your father do, William?"

Why, ye recollect how much Parson Lamson done for this town, how he got up sewin'-circles in war-time an' set everybody to scrapin' lint, an' climbed out of his bed after he couldn't hardly stand with rheumatism to say good-by to the boys when they enlisted, an' how he wrote to 'em an' prayed for 'em why, them books are wuth their weight in gold. How much am I offered for Parson Lamson's books?

"What you say iss true, Martha. Just pefore breakfast I met that Cherman crater, Winklemann, ridin' to the mission-house for help. The ice would pe scrapin' the end of his gardin, he was tellin' me, an' if the ruver would pe risin' another fut it would come into the house.