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Love and hate, gratitude and envy, hope and fear, pity and jealousy, repentance and sinfulness, and all the similar crude emotions have been sufficient for the construction of most scenarios.

When we discovered our own value to the film makers Auntie managed to get us better engagements, so we've acted for three different concerns during the past two years, while Aunt Jane has become noted as a clever judge of the merits of scenarios." "Do both of you girls play star parts?" Beth inquired. "Usually.

"The performance seemed quite perfect to-day," said Uncle John. "I suppose, Mrs. Montrose, you do not er er act, yourself?" "Oh. I have helped out, sometimes, when a matronly personation is required, but my regular duties keep me busily engaged in the office." "May we ask what those duties are?" said Louise. "I'm the reader of scenarios." "Dear me!" exclaimed Patsy.

"There are other scenarios to write." "Tom!" she whispered sharply, "I want to tell you something about that." "About what?" "My scenario." "You don't mean " "I mean I know what has become of it." "Never!" gasped Tom. "Are you are you " "I am not 'non compos, and-so-forth," laughed Ruth. "Oh, there is nothing foolish about this, Tom. Let me tell you."

The earnest virgins were, she fancied, as likely to do harm as to do good by their faith in the value of parsing Caesar. At various times during Senior year Carol finally decided upon studying law, writing motion-picture scenarios, professional nursing, and marrying an unidentified hero. Then she found a hobby in sociology. The sociology instructor was new.

I want to see whatever scenarios you may write during the next two years. I want to see them first. That is all. We do not need a contract, but if you keep the check I shall know that I am to have first choice of anything you may write in this line." The check went into Ruth's bank account. That very week "The Heart of a Schoolgirl" was to be shown at the local Opera House. Mrs.

I'll let you read it, if you like as you did those other scenarios." "What! Is it a movie story?" she asked. "So I am assured. It is the contribution of John, the hermit. He brought it to me just before we started over here this morning. Poor old codger! Just look here, Miss Ruth." Mr. Hammond turned back the loose covering of the package on the automobile seat.

At that time he preferred serving food to being a viand for those who gormandized oddities. At that age of eleven he just wanted to serve obscurely and enter the world of implausible comic book scenarios shortly before sleep. Back then noodles, comics, and sleep had given to him a varied but unaware extension of himself.

What did you think of the play last night?" "It was amusing and well conceived." "Let me present you to the author." "You? But the company is one of the improvisers." "Even improvisers require an author to write their scenarios. That is all I write at present. Soon I shall be writing plays in the modern manner." "You deceive yourself, my poor Andre.

Whoever writes his scenarios so that the pictures cannot be understood without these linguistic crutches is an esthetic failure in the new art. The next step toward the emancipation of the photoplay decidedly must be the creation of plays which speak the language of pictures only. Two apparent exceptions seem justified.