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Daily, when he annoyed her while he was drunk. But sobered up, he seemed to wish to make amends." "Oh, Lord!" My friend's mouth gaped. "Amends? Yep. That's his nature. Might call it mendin' his pocket and his lip. And you don't yet savvy that your 'lady' 's Montoyo's wife his woman, anyhow?" "Montoyo? Who's Montoyo?" "The monte thrower. That same spieler who trimmed us," he rapped impatiently.

Butler did not bother himself about his absence at the first meal, but at the second he asked the Chinese cook: "Where's the mate? He no come tea?" "No wantchee," said the Chink. "He ain't sick?" "No savvy." Next day Bananas turned up again, but he was more sullen than ever, and after dinner the captain asked the girl what was the matter with him. She smiled and shrugged her pretty shoulders.

Have you seen Shoddy's new play? Tell me all about it, and all about the latest books, and all about everything. SAVVY. You have not met Mr Haslam. Our Rector. Is he any good? FRANKLYN. I was introducing him. This is Mr Haslam. HASLAM. How d'ye do? LUBIN. I beg your pardon, Mr Haslam. I don't write. LUBIN. You dont say so; Well, what do you do? Music? Skirt-dancing? SAVVY. I dont do anything.

Vic, watching open-mouthed, actually forgot to resent the implication that Pat had left him hopelessly behind in the art of handling goats. "Seems to have the savvy, all right," Starr observed, just as though he had not paid all those dollars for the "savvy" that made Pat one of the best goat dogs in the State. "Savvy? Why, that dog's human.

I'll tell you all about it in a minute. I've got something to show you, and I don't want the bunch to get next. Savvy?" He had a sickening sense that the subterfuge would not have deceived a five-year-old child, but it was accepted without question.

"Me gettee up fo' clock." "Did you go outside?" "Yes, me go out an' call cowbloy. Tell gettee up, P. D. Q. No gettee up, no bleakfast." "What did you see outside that you don't see every morning?" "Evely moling? No savvy." "Yesterday morning, day before that, day before that, all mornings." "Lesterday moling, evely moling?" "Oh, the deuce! You try him, Stella."

Thats Eve's husband. You take the spectacled science student from the laboratory in Owens College; and when he asks you for a truly scientific history of Evolution, you put into his hand The Pilgrim's Progress. SAVVY. Oh, go on, Mr Burge. Dont stop. HASLAM. Priceless!

"I say dem dug he got big bone. He no fit for fly. He no say quack-quack." "Oh, I savvy plenty," said the one-eyed man, smiling. "Dem not quack-quack dug, dem bow-wow dug. You see him bow-wow dis morning. You hit him with foot, so." "Ugh," said Kettle, "dog stew, is it? Yes, I know the animal, if you say he's the one I kicked.

LUBIN. I am glad you agree with me that Socialism and Votes for Women are signs of decay. FRANKLYN. Not at all: they are only the difficulties that overtax your capacity. If you cannot organize Socialism you cannot organize civilized life; and you will relapse into barbarism accordingly. SAVVY. Hear, hear! SURGE. A useful point. We cannot put back the clock. HASLAM. I can. Ive often done it.

Over the camp the shadow of death tempered the dazzling sunshine, for all Sandy felt the strain and spoke only with sorrow. He meant well, did Daly, that was accorded him now. He only lacked "savvy" said they who had dwelt long in the land of Apache. Over at the hospital two poor women wept, and twice their number strove to soothe. Janet Wren and Mrs.