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As he spoke of his last fierce blow, which vanquished his opponent, Mr. Growther muttered: "Sarved him right; can't help feelin' glad you hit 'im so hard; but then that's in keepin' with the cussedness of my natur'." A glimmer of a smile hovered around Mrs. Arnot's flexible mouth, but she only asked quietly: "Is that all?" "I should think that was enough, after all that I had felt and professed."

"Sarved him right, too, for losing the girl's ring and then lying low and keeping dark about it," interrupted a sympathizer. "And she's just weakened over the romantic, high-toned way you stuck to it," continued Drummond, forgetting the sarcasms he had previously hurled at this romance.

"I know that, your honor; and hasn't he and I often sarved you, on the other hand?" "I grant it, Molly; but that is a matter known only to ourselves. You know I have the reputation of being very correct and virtuous." "I know you have," said Molly, "with most people, but not with all." "Well, Molly, you know, as far as we are concerned, one good turn deserves another.

In a short time, Father Con was surpliced and robed; Andy Lalor, whose face was charged with commensurate importance during the ceremony, sarved Mass, and answered the priest stoutly in Latin although he had not the advantage of understanding that sacerdotal language.

'I thank yo kindly, Davy, said Reuben cautiously, 'we're meeterly weel sarved; bit yo conno look for mich fro teawn folk. 'What are yo allus so mealy-mouthed for? said his wife indignantly.

When my wife, Mandy, wuz 'live, I tuck 'n cyar'ed her long up ter one er dese yer revivals, en' ole Sis Saphiry Baker come 'long gittin' happy, en fo' de Lawd she rid 'er clean roun' de chu'ch. Naw, suh, de religion I wanter lay holt on is de religion uv rest." "I ain' never sarved my Lawd wid laziness," put in Aunt Verbeny reprovingly.

"Who is there?" challenged Mr. Raymond from the chancel where he stood peering out of the small circle of light. "A friend. Pass, friend, and all's well!" answered a squeaky voice. "Bless you, I've sarved in the militia before now." It was Jacky Pascoe, with his coat-collar turned up high about his ears. "What do you want?" Mr. Raymond demanded sharply. "A job." "We can pay for no work here."

He made de soup ob water, and actilly put some salt in it; when it was sarved up it was rediculous disgraceful he left dem pieces in de tureen, and dey was like leather.

"You're a saacy nigger," said Basset, "and if I sarved you right, I'd clap you into the workhouse." "Missa Basset, you bery mad; and when a man is mad, he always onreasonable. But fire away it keep you warm, and stop you catching cold." "Onreasonable! when a fellow's been sprawling about in snow and cornstalks, for more'n two hours, and got more'n half froze! How would you like it?"

"That ain't fancy," said one of the men, "unless Billy hit his head again the rocks." "It warn't my head," whispered the gunner drawing in his breath, and trying to suppress the pain. "It caught me right on the left shoulder. I shall be all right directly, my lads, and we'll give it 'em. I'll bet that's how they sarved poor Master Leigh; and we've dropped right into the proper spot.