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Updated: August 15, 2024

"I was too weak for strong purpose, and with presentiment of harm, had no strength for resistance. I must have dozed. Old Sarah is now arranging some things upon a small table at head of the cot. To my look she soothingly says: "'Yo' needn't be 'larmed; dey's all gone 'way. Yo' bettah pahtuk of some refreshments now. Dis tea an' toast moughty good for de s'port of yo' 'feebled system.

With hands on hips and head thrown back, she delivered herself, and her voice rang with suppressed passion. "Yas, I laid a spell on yer! I laid a spell on yer when I let you quit work, an' lay up in bed wid nothin' to do but to circulate yer symtems. I put a spell on yer when I nuss you an' feed you an' s'port you an' spile the life plumb outen you.

While they were thus engaged, Uncle Remus came around the corner of the house, talking to himself. "Dey er too lazy ter wuk," he was saying, "en dey specks hones' fokes fer ter stan' up en s'port um. I'm gwine down ter Putmon County whar Mars Jeems is dat's w'at I'm agwine ter do." "What's the matter now, Uncle Remus?" inquired Mr. Huntingdon, folding up his newspaper.

"Yes, Bre'er Nimbus, but who's a-gwine ter s'port 'em while we's waitin' fer de white folks ter back down, I wants ter know?" "I will," said Nimbus, proudly. "I hain't no manner ob doubt," said the other, "dat Bre'er Nimbus'll do de berry bes' dat he can in sech a case, but he must 'member dat he's only one and we's a great many.

'Deed I don't beliebe as I can go on wid de story widout somet'ing to s'port me." "So much rum is not good for you, Katie, but I will give you a glass of water," said Ishmael. "Oh, honey, no, don't, please! I don't like water in de winter time, it allers gibs me a cold in the stummick. But rum warms me."

She's undertook mo'n her share an' is s'portin' too many people." "Kern, you means well," said Aun' Sheba with dignity, "but you mus' not 'fleet on young Missy. She am de las' one in de worl' to let a body s'port her while she fol' her han's. She's po'ly too, jes' kase she's a workin' harde'n me."

Ud you belebe it, Elder and frens, dat son-in-law ob mine offered ter s'port me an' me do nuffin but jes' help Sissy and look arter de chil'n. But dat ain't my way. I likes ter put my own money in my own pocket an' I likes ter take it out agin, an' it jes' warm my heart like a hick'y fiah ter help dat honey lam' ob mine dat I nussed. So you see, Elder, dat gen'l preachin' am like meal.

Grasping the musket with one hand he called out in an important tone: "'Tention, squab!" For the benefit of the uninitiated it may be explained that Pomp meant "Attention, squad!" "S'port arms!" Pomp found it considerably easier to give the word of command than to obey it.

Wa'al, the long an' the short on't was that 'Lish got goin' down hill ev'ry way, health an' all, till he hadn't nothin' left but his disposition, an' fairly got onter the town. The' wa'n't nothin' for it but to send him to the county house, onless somebody 'd s'port him.

'taint much to s'port three as is to be got out o' broiderin'. Thus enlightened on the subject of their private history, it was with very different feelings I afterwards regarded these unfortunate children.

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