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The groom didn't look like Dr. Rudd. But she wore men's clothes, and that's the only way you'd know some men were men, and almost anything will do for a groom. Nobody noticed him. We were getting on just grand, and I was marrying away, telling them what they must do and what they mustn't.

The lads ran down to the edge of the fen, and made their way to the end of a long, open, river-like stretch of water, which was now perfectly clear, so that everything could be clearly distinguished at the bottom; and before long, as they walked to and fro, they caught sight of a little shoal of small fish, and soon after of a young pike, with his protruding lower jaw, waiting for his opportunity to make a dash at some unfortunate rudd, whose orange fins and faintly-gilded sides made him a delectable-looking morsel for his olive-green and gold excellency the tyrant of the river.

The way in which dace will increase when put into a suitable water is, if possible, even more remarkable than what happens in the case of the rudd. I will quote one instance, which proves this very conclusively. A few years ago there were no dace in the Sussex Ouse. Pike fishermen, however, used to bring live dace to use as baits.

They know I am incapable; but they wouldn't have found it out but for you. That's what you've done this term. You yourself have succeeded, but your success has meant the ruin of the House for at least a year, that's what you have done. And I expect you are jolly proud of yourself, too. You only care for yourself." Rudd finished exhausted, and stood there gasping.

For Gordon was sharp enough to see more or less below the surface. Rudd was a new type to him. It was clear that he had some merits, especially pluck; and yet he was no good at games, and, what was more extraordinary, did not seem in the least worried about his failures. Gordon had always pitied those who could not scrape into the Thirds.

"Who'd ever have thought of seeing you to-night? Why we wasn't expecting you till day after to-morrow. And where's Mr. Rudd?" "Joanna dear! don't speak so loud. I want to surprise them," came back the laughing whisper, and the next minute Sally's bag and umbrella were on the porch, and she was wringing both her housekeeper's plump hands in her own. "How do you do, Joanna!

But both saw that they would have to go through with it now. "Good man," said Rudd, not to be outdone. "I wanted someone to go with me; rather lonely these little excursions without company." He spoke with the air of one who spent every other night giving dinner-parties at the Eversham Tap. "Look here, now," broke in Mansell, "don't make bloody fools of yourselves.

But always the newcomer won his ventures. The evening was half over when Archie suddenly and loudly demanded higher stakes, to turn his luck, as he expressed it. "Double them if you like," said West. Rudd looked at him with a distrustful eye, and said nothing.

She was keenly interested in his methods, as well as in his decidedly unusual personality. She observed Rudd also, and noted the obvious suspicion with which he regarded West. On the night before their arrival she saw the latter alone for a moment, and whispered to him that Mr. Rudd seemed uneasy. At which information West merely laughed sardonically.

By Oliver Bunce. New York. Rudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 247. $1.00. Cosmos; a Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe. By Alexander von Humboldt. Translated from the German by E.C. Otte and W.S. Dallas, F.S.E. Vol. V. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 462. 85 cts. The Angel of the Iceberg, and other Stories, illustrating Great Moral Truths. Designed chiefly for the Young.