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Walden is the last person in the world to wish to cover his intentions, or disguise his motives. He is the sincerest man I ever met!" Longford glanced at his patron for instructions. Was Adderley to be told of the 'amorous entanglement' of Miss Vancourt? Roxmouth frowned at him warningly, and he understood his cue.

An' Lord Roxmouth he be gone away or mebbe you could a' had it out wi' him " "That will do, Bainton!" said Walden, interrupting him by a gesture "Say no more about it, please! I'm glad you've spoken, I'm glad I know! But, let it rest there! Never allude to it again!" Bainton glanced up timorously at his master's pale set face.

"Well, if you hear any news from the Manor, you can let us know," he said "You are quite aware of the position " "Quite!" murmured Julian, lazily. "And if you want to get on, you will hardly find a better friend than Lord Roxmouth," pursued Longford, with meaning emphasis "He has made many a man famous!"

They will enjoy seeing the old place, and country air is such a boon to London people! Good-bye!" and here she turned to Marius Longford "I'm afraid I haven't read any of your books! anyway I expect they would be too deep for me. Wouldn't they?" "Lord Roxmouth has been good enough to express his liking for my poor efforts," he replied, with a slight covert smile "I believe you know him?"

Even Sir Morton Pippitt, smitten by compunction for certain selfish motives which had inspired him to serve Lord Roxmouth as a willing tool, was an indefatigable, almost daily enquirer as to Maryllia's condition, for though pompous, blusterous, and to a very great extent something of a snob, his nature was not altogether lacking in the milk of human kindness like that of his daughter Tabitha.

Gigue at once began to walk up and down the courtyard, smoking vigorously, and talking volubly concerning the future of his pupil Cicely Bourne, and the triumph she would make some two years hence as a 'prima donna assoluta, far greater than Patti ever was in her palmiest days, and Roxmouth was perforce compelled, out of civility, as well as immediate diplomacy, to listen to him with some show of interest.

"Did you pray ?" he began in a choked voice-then checked himself, and said quickly "Dear child, I do not think Lord Roxmouth could have ever done me any harm!" "Ah, you don't know him as I do!" and she sighed "He stops at nothing. He will employ any base tool, any mean spy, to gain his own immediate purposes.

Roxmouth shrugged his shoulders deprecatingly, smiled tolerantly, and changed the subject. That same evening, when everyone had retired to bed, and when Mrs.

And because this constantly rumoured and expected marriage does not come off, and because people ask WHY it doesn't come off, the pair of conspirators are reduced to telling lies about me! I almost wish I could get small-pox or some other hideous ailment and become disfigured, THEN Roxmouth might leave me alone! Perhaps Providence will arrange it in that way."

"Yes, 'by the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes! THAT sort of sensation, you know!" and she laughed; then perceiving a man standing in the background whose sleek form and lineaments she instantly recognised, she added "And how are you, Mr. Longford? Did you bring Lord Roxmouth here, or did he bring you?"