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She wants countenance, countenance and support; and who could give them so fitly as yourself? In the same circumstances: accept my sincerest regrets. Mr. Warrender was, I have alway heard, an excellent person, and must be a great loss. But you have a son, I think." "Yes, I have a son." "Who has been here twice to inquire? Most friendly, most friendly, I am sure.

He had accordingly been sent an embassador to the sultan's court to propose such an alliance. In offering it, the emperor, he said, was actuated by a feeling of the sincerest good-will. He wished the sultan to consider him as a father, and he would look upon the sultan as a son.

She clearly suspected me. You are much too rich, dear Charles; I relieve your plethora. I bleed you financially. Therefore I consider myself Your sincerest friend, "Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons." Charles was threatened with apoplexy. This blow was severe. "Whom can I trust," he asked, plaintively, "when the detectives themselves, whom I employ to guard me, turn out to be swindlers?

We shall catch the shadows of other people's happinesses. It is, I believe, the sincerest form. The chicken, dear Julien, what of the chicken?" Julien hesitated. "There is little to be said against it," he confessed. "The only trouble is that it fails to arrive."

Johnson, at an early period of his life, which will appear in my edition of his poems. BOSWELL. See ante, i. 16, note 1. The editor of the Biographia Britannica. Ante, iii. 174. On Dec. 23, Miss Adams wrote to a friend: 'We are all under the sincerest grief for the loss of poor Dr. Johnson.

From that hour, Lady Delville who had at first resented, from the deepest recess of her heart, Constance Vernon's accession to rank and wealth, who, had Constance deferred to her early acquaintance, would have always found something in her she could have affected to despise; from that hour, Lady Delville was the warmest advocate, and a little time after, the sincerest follower, of the youthful countess.

"With regard to the legacy, feeling the sincerest gratitude to my generous benefactor, I nevertheless refuse to receive the money. "Be pleased to send me the necessary document to sign, for transferring my fortune to that relative of Sir Gervase mentioned in your letter.

Therefore, I, the Sultan of the Jolo Archipelago, am seeking that whatever is good for my people. It is my sincerest wish that my country should go ahead. "Since Major Sweet, our father, has been in command of Jolo Archipelago, no disturbance of any description has occurred; the reason is, that he has taken great interest in our country and its people.

They do not object to your laying, "You hath He quickened," but to turn these same words into a personal question is too often considered impertinent; though, indeed, it is the sincerest kindness and truest Christian love. He came, and is spiritually present now, everywhere, for this purpose. The Lord Jesus is ever present to take especial interest in the result of preaching.

I have seen men, in whose company I felt nothing but a thraldom, which it was a duty to my own self-respect to cast off as soon as possible; a feeling of utter incompatibility, with whose nature mine could never assimilate. But Livingstone was a character that I venerated, that called forth all my enthusiasm, that evoked nothing but sincerest admiration. Dr.