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Updated: August 9, 2024

Julian turned his head and looked at her by the light of the flaring, unshaded gas-jet. "By Jove!" he said. "You're rather a brick, Mrs. Denys." "Don't stop to talk!" she commanded. "Just get up and do as I say. Go down the back stairs, mind! I'll let you in again in time to get ready for supper." Julian turned to his brother. "What do you say to it, Ron?" "Can't be done," groaned Ronald.

Even if personally you don't approve of a literary career, will you give Ron a chance of living his life in his own way? If your brother approved of his writings, and helped him to a beginning, even the very smallest beginning, father would be satisfied that he was not wasting his time." The Chieftain clasped his hands around his knees, and sat staring at her with thoughtful gaze.

The tree was but a few yards distant; she was laughing and panting, dodging from right and left, to prevent Ron from passing by from behind, when round a bend in the road a figure appeared directly in her path, the figure of Brither Elgood himself, his round eyes bulging with surprise and curiosity.

I'm not afraid of you, but I imagine that the editor will be a match for a dozen youngsters like you and Ron, and will soon see through your little scheme. However, I'll do what I can. In big offices holiday arrangements have to be made a good while ahead, so it ought not to be difficult to get the information you want. Now I must be off upstairs to see the boys before they get into bed.

The Chieftain might not be the rose, but he was at least near the rose, and it would be well to enlist his interest as well as that of his brother. "Doesn't he look splendid?" Mr Elgood started, and for a moment his round face expressed the blankest bewilderment, then his eyes lit upon Ron, and comprehension dawned. "Ah, yes," he returned indifferently, "nice-looking lad!

At my age and bulk even the most witty conversation palls when climbing a hillside. When you get to the end of the footpath sit down and wait till I arrive, and take no notice of me till I get my wind. Then we'll start fair. Off with you!" Margot ran forward, laughing, and she and Ron were soon scrambling up the hillside, side by side. "That's a good fellow. I like him!

She made herself a cup of tea and then lay down on the sofa where her mother had lain the day before, and went to sleep. She dreamed that she stood in a sloping, very green meadow; in the distance a flock of dingy sheep browsed, and some invisible person was playing a pipe! "Il etait une bergère ron, ron, ron," it was the nursery song Joyselle had played to Tommy when the little boy was ill.

We could very possibly even get one of these boats through if we were obliged to, but there is no use taking any risk. We can line down through the worst of it, or even run the boat ashore if we like." "Me, I'll rather ron the rapeed than walk on the bank with boat," said Moise. "Never mind, Moise," said Alex, "we'll not have to walk far with her.

Fancy a long wet day, Ron, shining on horsehair chairs, with your feet on an oil-clothed floor, gazing at funeral cards! I should go to bed!" "It wouldn't be a bad idea. Rest cure, you know! If we are very energetic in fine weather, we may be glad of a rest; but there is another room.

S'pose you'll tell my onkle, Moise he'll walk down the Parle Pas an' not ron on heem, he'll laugh on me, heem! All right, when you get to the Grand Portage sixty miles below, you'll get all the walk you want, Alex, hein?" Alex answered him with a pleasant smile, not in the least disposed to be laughed into taking any risks he did not think necessary.

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