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Updated: August 9, 2024

She could not imagine what was wrong, and continued to stare blankly after the unbending figure, until presently her eye encountered another well- known face bent upon her with a smile. In another moment they were walking together, Margot between the two men, Ron on the outside, a few paces apart from the rest. Margot glanced from one to the other with puzzled eyes.

'Come to my manufactory of rope, ant I will give you work ant tress ant money, ant you can live wis os. I says, 'Goot! "I go to ze manufactory of rope, ant ze goot man says to his voman, 'Here is one yong man who defented his Vaterland, ant ron away from prisons. He has not house nor tresses nor preat. He will live wis os. Give him clean linen, ant norish him.

"You did not come for inspiration, you came for a definite, practical purpose; and if you write a hundred poems, it won't make up for neglecting it. Now, Ron, wake up! I shall be angry with you if you don't do all you can for yourself. Promise me that you will try!" "All right! All right! Do let us be happy while we have the chance, Margot. We had enough worry at home, and this place is perfect.

You will be happy, won't you, darling, if Ron's future is harmoniously arranged?" "Ron will be happy!" said Margot shortly. At the moment it seemed to her as if such good fortune could never again be her own. She must always be miserable, since George Elgood cared so little for her that he could disappear into space and leave her without a word.

But down there come from the lofty hills Footsteps and eyes agleam, Bringing the laughter of yesterday Into the little house, By the winding stream and the hills. Di ron, di ron, di ron, di ron-don!" The Little Chemist blushed faintly at the silence that followed his timid, quaint recital.

Ironical Bakkus began to hum the old nursery song: Il etait une bergere Et ron, ron, ron, petit patapon. Suddenly he stopped. "By George! I have it! The names that will epater the English bourgeois. Ron-ron-ron and Petit Patapon. I'll be Ron-ron-ron and you'll be dear little Patapon."

He was a plain little man, a fat little man, a middle-aged little man, but they recognised in him the spirit of abiding youth, and recognising, felt their hearts warm towards him. "He is nice, Ron, after all! I like him!" "So do I. A capital chap. But he can't possibly be Elgood of the Loadstar."

I shall get a scolding anyway, so I might as well have all the fling I can get. I'll have tea with you and the boys, and a little private chat with Jack afterwards. You won't mind leaving us alone for a few minutes? It's something about Ron, but I won't promise not to get in a little flirtation on my own account." Jack's wife laughed happily. "Flirt away it will cheer him up!

The Chieftain laid a hand on his arm with a very kindly pressure. "There are some of 'em," he said cheerfully, "which are a lot better than others. I'm not partial to amateur verses myself, but I don't mind telling you for your comfort that I've seen worse, before now considerably worse!" Poor Ron! It was bitter comfort.

Margot flushed with resentment and indignation, but before she could speak Ron burst into impetuous speech. "They quarrel? Up here? A handful of men and women among the great mountains? How can they do it? How can they harbour ill-feeling? "And what can they quarrel about? There must be such tiny, trivial differences. I am thankful I am not a Dissenter!" cried Margot proudly.

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