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That Pyne had planned this trick, with Rita Irvin's consent, he did not doubt, and his passive dislike of the man became active hatred of the woman he dared not think. He had for long looked upon Sir Lucien in the light of a rival, and the irregularity of his own infatuation for another's wife in no degree lessened his resentment. Again he pressed his ear to the door, and listened intently.

Rita thought of the letter to Tom, and all the sympathetic instincts of her nature sprang up to protect Dic, and to save him from Sukey's wicked designs. "Oh," she cried, falling back into her chair, "you surely did not believe me!" "And you do care?" asked Dic, almost stunned by her sudden change of front.

Oh! he sears my heart every time I think of him. Yet, he is living up to his idea of what is right." The white-haired old gentleman, bearer of the burdens of his fellows, did not confide in me as to the nature of Andrew Clark's trouble, and it was not for me to probe. "As for Rita," he pursued, "poor, little Rita! she is no relative of either Margaret or Andrew Clark. She is a child of the sea.

Rita blushed scarlet with distress, as she remembered her bearing, which she had tried to make as scornful as was compatible with good manners. She had meant, had done her best, to show him that she thought lightly of a Cuban soldier who, for what reason soever, proclaimed himself without apology to be "in hiding." To be sure, he had not seemed to feel the rebuke as she had expected he would.

She pawned as much of her jewellery as she could safely dispose of, and temporarily silenced the more threatening tradespeople; but Kazmah declined to give credit, and cheques had never been acceptable at the establishment in old Bond Street. Rita feverishly renewed her old quest, seeking in all directions for some less extortionate purveyor. But none was to be found.

"When I'm gone, Rita, remember what I have said and what I'm about to say, and even though the minister be standing before you, until you have spoken the fatal words, it will not be too late. You are an innocent girl, ignorant of many things in life. Still, every girl, if she but stops to think, has innate knowledge of much that she is supposed not to know.

Why should people be angry with a poor girl who had never done a single reprehensible thing in her whole life? And the longer she lives the worse it will be. It would be better for our Rita to be dead.” I toldMademoiselle Theresethat it was really impossible to tell whether she was more stupid or atrocious; but I wasn’t really very much shocked.

"My dear Miss Halley," she cried, "how perfectly sweet of you to come to see me! of course, I can guess what you have called about. Look! I have every paper published this morning in London! Every one! Oh! poor, darling little Rita! What can have become of her!"

Catch another of those beasts for the lady, Bill!" Rita, with one of her quick gestures, caught his great hand in both hers. "Oh, you good cousin!" she cried. "You dear cousin! You are the very best and the very biggest person in the world, and I love you." "Well, well, well!" said Cousin Jim, somewhat embarrassed. "There, there! so you shall, my dear; so you shall.

This path was little used, save by hunters, the west side of the river being government land, and at that time a vast stretch of unbroken forest. Rita had chosen the step-off for her trysting-place because of its seclusion, and partly, perhaps, for the sake of its beauty.