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"I shall be a father to you if you will let me." He pressed her hand, and raising his hat, was gone. As he drove away he turned and looked at her slipping across the lawn in the twilight. In his eyes was a look of triumphant excitement. "To own her such a creature God it were worth risking my neck." The mention of Harry brought back all her bitter recklessness to Helen.

He slipped back, and the past swallowed him. After leaving Cherry he had sought some mental relief by idly risking the silver in his pocket. He had let the coins lie and double, then double again and again. He had been indifferent whether he won or lost, so assumed a reckless disregard for the laws of probability, thinking that he would shortly lose the money he had won and then go home.

Think of what you were risking. Don't, for your own sake, try anything so uncertain again. I knew you were down here, but no one else knows. How you opened that secret door, I do not know, but we both know what happened to one other poor wretch who solved the mystery." "I didn't solve it, really I didn't. I don't know how it happened. It just opened, that's all, and then I oh, it was terrible!"

If any half-loyal man forgets his code of half-decencies and half-duties so far as to become obnoxious to the peremptory justice which takes the place of slower forms in all centres of conflagration, there is no sympathy for him among the soldiers who are risking their lives for us; perhaps there is even more satisfaction than when an avowed traitor is caught and punished.

All through the June rise of the river, while the settlers, ignorant of the danger that threatened them through the Good Business policy of the Company, were risking everything that Capital might gain its greater profits, the engineer lived in his camp at the intake.

All our previous herds from the Uvalde regions had turned eastward to intercept this main thoroughfare, though we had been frequently advised to try a western outlet known as the Nueces Cañon route. The latter course would bring us out on high tablelands, but before risking our herds through it, I decided to ride out the country in advance.

To save the officers and trained seamen as much as possible from risking their lives, da Gama begged the King to order six men who had been condemned to death to be put on board each ship, that they might be sent ashore in dangerous regions, or left in certain places, to acquire a knowledge of the language and habits of the people.

I have asked only that a man shall keep his word to me as I will keep mine to him." "But you are risking your liberty, perhaps your life!" "I've been risking that for more than twenty years. The habit has become normal. All my life I've wanted a real adventure." She gazed at him in utter astonishment. "An adventure? Why, you yourself told me that you had risked your life a hundred times!"

"No," Jack said; "they are unarmed; besides, they are plucky fellows for risking their lives on such a venture. There! the sergeant's troop have got through; but there are two or three of them down. Come along, lads, we must ride back, and there is no time to lose. Keep well together, and in readiness to charge if I give the word. It is likely enough our turn may come next."

It would be impossible to call even her mother's assistance without risking a revelation to all the world through the servants; while if she could remove the body unassisted to a distance she might avert suspicion of their union even now.