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Updated: August 25, 2024

And, looking upon its shining blade, Beltane beheld the graven legend "Resurgam." Now looking upon this, Beltane drew a deep, slow breath and turned upon the youthful knight with eyes grown suddenly fierce. Quoth he softly: "Whence had you this, sir knight?" "From one that liveth but for thee." "Ah!" said Beltane with scornful lip, "know ye such an one, in faith?"

Soon the grave was dug amid the pushing fronds of the young ferns, and taking one long look at her, Antony laid her in the earth, and covered her up from sight. Was it only fancy that as he turned away a faint music seemed to arise from the ground, forming into the word "Resurgam" as it died away? "It is done," said Antony to Beatrice.

Anywhere on the open road, perhaps, he would not have been astonished; but here, in this quiet backwater of life, he was not prepared for Hurree Babu. It annoyed him, too, that he had been hoodwinked. 'Ah ha! I told you at Lucknow resurgam I shall rise again and you shall not know me. How much did you bet eh? He chewed leisurely upon a few cardamom seeds, but he breathed uneasily.

The monument was beautiful in its severe simplicity a pure faultless shaft, crowned with a delicately chiselled wreath of poppy leaves, and bearing these words in gilt letters: "Sacred to the memory of my mother, Amy Aubrey." Just below, in black characters, "Resurgam"; and underneath the whole, on a finely fluted scroll, the inscription of St. Gilgen.

Why was his hope so unquenchable? There could be no resurgam for Daren Lane. Resignation should have brought him peace peace when every nerve in his shell-shocked body racked him when he could not subdue a mounting hope that all would be well at home when he quivered at thought of mother, sister, sweetheart!

As he came back to Hatherly Court from the church, they were putting up the hatchment over the door, and Master Fred saw that the undertakers had put at the bottom 'Resurgam. You know what that means?" "Oh, yes," said Frank. "'I'll come back again," said the Honourable John, construing the Latin for the benefit of his cousin.

When the wind begins to come out of the northwest of set purpose, and to sweep the ground with low and searching fierceness, very different from the roistering, jolly bluster of early fall, I have put the strawberries under their coverlet of leaves, pruned the grape-vines and laid them under the soil, tied up the tender plants, given the fruit trees a good, solid meal about the roots; and so I turn away, writing Resurgam on the gatepost.

So I got the "resurgam" you see there engraved round it, and by Jove! it did bring me up. I was near lost, and did rise again. Eh? Well, it certainly was a curious accident. Mark had plenty of odd and not unamusing lore.

Not an eye in the vast crowd below but was fixed on him. In a few moments he rose again, and tossing his arms aloft, and shrieking, in a voice distinctly heard above the awful roar around him, the single word "Resurgam!" flung himself headlong into the flaming abyss. A simultaneous cry of horror rose from the whole assemblage on beholding this desperate action.

Only an early yellow butterfly stood fanning itself on the freshly turned earth. Was it the soul of Silencieux? Cursing himself for a madman, he turned away, but had not gone many yards, when once more there was that sudden strain of music and the word "Resurgam" somewhere on the wind. This time he knew he was not mistaken, but to believe it true O God, he must not believe it true.

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