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"Off and on in the summer time," said Augusta. "Of course he could not take much of the duty, because he had a clergyman's throat. I think it a great pity that he should have gone off so suddenly." "Miss Forrester won't wish to have his resurgam sung, I warrant you," said Mr Hall.

For the next day or two Antony could not get it out of his ears, and often, like a sweet wail through the wood, he seemed to hear the word "Resurgam." Was Silencieux a living spirit, after all, no mere illusion, but one of those beautiful demons of evil that do possess the souls of men? He went and stood by Silencieux's grave. It was just as he had left it.

Now within her hand she bare his sword and showed him the legend graven upon the bright steel: RESURGAM And therewith she smiled wondrous tender and put the great weapon into his grasp; then stooped and kissed him, and, pointing upward with her finger, was gone.

Let us nail our colors which I should call the black flag to the mast, and let our war-cry be, "No surrender!" or else our motto will very soon be, "Resurgam;" in other words, it will be all up with us. We stand in a critical position in regard to public opinion. In order to determine what steps to take for protecting business, we ought to see our danger.

Her face was almost transparent with brightness, and presently she spoke low, with a voice sweeter than Antony had ever heard before. It was the voice of that magic harp at the bottom of the sea, it was the voice that had told him of her lovers, the voice of hidden music that had cried "Resurgam" through the wood. "Antony," she said, "sing me songs of little Wonder."

In this livid hand, rising from the earth, there was a character both of menace and appeal; and on the finger, as I afterwards saw at the inquest, glimmered the talismanic legend 'Resurgam I will rise again! It was the corpse of Mark Wylder, which had lain buried here undiscovered for many months. A horrible odour loaded the air.

It was certainly a handsome souvenir, perhaps six inches by four in size, engraved as in a shield, yielding a view of the sea, with the setting sun, and on a wreath the words, "Lucco discendens, ancto splendore resurgam," while at the top was the General's crest, bearing the words, "Vive Vale."

So saying, Ambrose the Hermit took from beneath his habit that for which Beltane had yearned, that same great blade whereon whose steel was graven the legend: RESURGAM. So Ambrose put the sword in Beltane's hand, saying: "Be terrible, my son, that evil may flee before thee, learn to be strong that thou may'st be merciful."

Possibly a wet blanket of snow lies thick and white over all its hopes and anxieties. No doubt you made all tidy, and some things warm, for the winter, in the delicious opportunities of St. Luke's and St. Martin's little summers, and, like the amusing American I told you of, "turned away writing resurgam on the gate-post."

They had produced their madmen and villains, too; and there had been frequent intermarriages not very often happy. There had been many lawsuits, frequent disinheritings, and even worse doings. The Wylders of Brandon appear very early in history; and the Wylder arms, with their legend, 'resurgam, stands in bold relief over the great door of Brandon Hall.