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She would have ended all such horrors if she could, but as that was impossible, she would not even think of them; and accordingly, she had those pictures replaced by soothing subjects moonlit spaces, sun-bright seas, clear brown rivulets, lakes that mirrored the placid mountains, and flowers and birds and trees.

"If I were you," Rose cried out, "I'd feel like tearing that bonnet to pieces!" Charlotte replaced it in the bandbox, and began unfastening her dress. "I don't see how you can bear the sight of them. I don't believe I could bear them in the house!" Rose cried out again. "I would put that dress in the rag-bag if it was mine!"

I had replaced the remainder, when the key again turned in the door, and Melchior made his appearance. "How do you feel, Japhet, to-day?" "To-day!" replied I; "day and night are the same to me." "That is your own fault," replied he. "Have you considered what I proposed to you yesterday?" "Yes," replied I; "and I will agree to this.

Everything in the room was in exact order, there was no dust or confusion, and the books on the shelves were arranged in perfect EVENNESS. I noticed that when Carlyle replaced a book he took pains to get it level with the others. The furniture was solid, neat, and I should think expensive. I showed him the letter he had written to me eighteen years ago. It has been published by Mr.

On the west side of the valley stand the Gros Ventre and the Wyoming mountains, low ranges of peaks, but picturesque in form and forest stretch. Leaving the mountain, the river meanders through the Green River Plains, a cold elevated district much like that of northern Norway, except that the humidity of Norway is replaced by the aridity of Wyoming.

A slight colour mantled to her cheeks her look was gentle and compassionate. "Poor boy! so young!" she said. "Hush!" She withdrew her hand from his, retired a few steps, lifted a curtain drawn across a recess and pointing to an alcove that contained one of those sofa-beds common in French houses, added in a whisper, "Enter you are saved." Morton obeyed, and Eugenie replaced the curtain.

He took Metellus Scipio, who had been the Senate's second candidate by the side of Milo, and had been as deeply concerned in bribery as Milo himself; shortly after, and with still more significance, he replaced Julia by Metellus Scipio's daughter, the widow of young Publius Crassus, who had fallen with his father.

His mind whirled before the ideas which now cast themselves at him, when suddenly he stood up and set his teeth hard together. "I will not," he said. "I will not look for a stone with a crack around it. We have enough already. Why should we run the risk of going crazy by trying to get more? I will not!" And he replaced the ladder. "What's the matter in there?" called Shirley, from outside.

A slight, irrepressible shadow passed over the beaming countenance of Maurice as he turned from Bertha to welcome his father and grandmother. The cloud flitted by in an instant, and only betrayed that the past was unforgotten; while the look of manly confidence and self-possession, by which it was replaced, told that the present and the future could not be subject to by-gone storms.

He had the appearance of a corsair, with his head wrapped in the huge handkerchief that had replaced the plug hat lost in the stress and storm that had destroyed the Aurilla P. Dobson. The elephant, Imogene, was bulked dimly in the first gray of a soppy dawn.