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Bundercombe folded up his checkbook and replaced it in his pocket. "Then what are you going to do about it?" he asked. "Where is your bank?" Mr. Cheape inquired. "In Pall Mall," Mr. Bundercombe answered. "Then I am afraid," Mr. Cheape decided, "there is nothing for it but to ask you to repair there and cash your own check." Mr. Bundercombe rose to his feet. "All right!" he agreed.

We know that the life-history of a modern species of animals reviews the ancestral record of the species, and what happens during the development of deer can be directly compared with the fossil series. It is a matter of common knowledge that the year-old stag has simple spikes as horns, and that these are shed to be replaced the following year by larger forked horns.

I looked with almost sentimental regret at the great conical heap. I had brought it into being; in a few hours it would be gone and whatever fame its brief existence had given me would be gone with it. With swift method the guardsmen started burrowing. In ordered relays, fresh workers replaced tired, and the pile of excavated dirt grew.

I trust I do not see you for the last time; and in the meanwhile, as a memento of our strange acquaintance, let me offer you these verses on which I was but now engaged. I am so little of a poet, and was so ill inspired by prison bars, that they have some claim to be at least a curiosity." The Colonel's countenance lighted as he took the paper; the silver spectacles were hurriedly replaced.

Beads of perspiration stood out on Stanley's forehead. Then, with a quick movement, Frank raised the muzzle of his weapon still higher, and fired over Stanley's head. Then he calmly replaced the weapon in his pocket and walked back to where Jack was standing. Having thus escaped what appeared almost certain death, Stanley became bold again.

In trembling and indescribable impatience, I awaited the raising of her veil. Another gust, and a slight stumble as she bounded rather than stepped into the boat, befriended me; the partial shifting of her veil, which she hastily replaced, permitted a glimpse of her features brief, indeed, but never to be forgotten.

He could see the cramped, tense fingers that gripped the pen as she wrote these precious lines, with David scratching away laboriously at the opposite end of the table. A strange tenderness entered his soul. Something akin to reverence took possession of him. He had invaded sanctuary. Slowly, almost tenderly, he replaced the manuscript in the drawer beside its bristling mate.

The full length statue of the Duke d'Orleans, which was in the second vestibule, was taken I know not where and replaced by a statue of Pompey with gilt face, arms and legs, the statue at the foot of which, according to tradition, assassinated Caesar fell.

Two weeks later, came the welcome if astonishing news that Ivan, whose classes had grown rapidly, was to have an assistant, in the person of young Laroche: his nearest friend in the Petersburg student days. And when this young fellow replaced the violinist in the Rubinstein household, Ivan felt the cup of his contentment full.

All religious scruples were fully removed by expiations; at Locri, too, the affair of the sacrilege had been thoroughly investigated by Quintus Minucius, and the money replaced in the treasury out of the effects of the guilty.