Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 19, 2024

It was during that brief space between lessons, when the pupils turned out into the court for a quarter of an hour's recreation; she and I remained in the first classe alone: when I met her eye, her thoughts forced themselves partially through her lips. "Il y a," said she, "quelquechose de bien remarquable dans le caractere Anglais." "How, Madame?"

We killed some almost every day, more for sport then for neede. We finding them sometimes in islands, made them goe into the watter and after we killed about a score, we clipped the ears of the rest and hung a bell to it, and then let them loose. What a sporte to see the rest flye from that that had the bell! As I satt with my compagnion I saw once of an evening a very remarquable thing.

Quoique la ville ait beaucoup de belles églises, la plus remarquable, ainsi que la principale, est celle de Sainte-Sophie, le patriarche se tient, et autres gens comme chanonnes (chanoines). Elle est de forme ronde, située près de la pointe orientale, et formée de trois parties diverses; l'une souterraine, l'autre hors de terre, la troisième supérieure

Ils sont tous de nature calcaire; tels étaient au moins tous ceux que j'ai pus observer; et ce qu'il-y-a de remarquable, c'est qu'ils sont tous posés dans le sens des feuillets de la pierre; on diroit en les voyant, qu'ils ont tous été comprimés et écrasés dans le même sens.

"Femme vraiment remarquable," hoarsely whispered a stout breakfaster, behind his napkin, between two spoonsful of his soup. "Not two in a century like her," said my neighbor. "No nor two in all France non plus," retorted the stout man. "She could rule a kingdom hey, Paul?"

How that great God that takes great care of the most wild creatures, and will that every man confesses his faults, & gives them grace to come to obedience for the preservation of their lives, sends them a remarquable power & ordnance, which should give terrour and retinue to those poore misled people from the way of assurance.

After this we came to a remarquable place. It's a banke of Rocks that the wild men made a sacrifice to; they calls it Nanitoucksinagoit, which signifies the likenesse of the devill. They fling much tobacco and other things in its veneration.

«Les montagnes qui suivent le môle, et qui forment après lui le coté septentrional de la vallée de l'Arve, sont basses et indifférentes, une seule est remarquable par sa forme pyramidale, et par ses couches qui convergent á son sommet, et lui donnent la forme d'un chevron.

Chirac and Gerald were agreed that the food was good, as well as the wine. "Remarquable!" Chirac had said, of the wine. Sophia, however, could neither eat nor drink with relish. She was afraid. The company shocked her by its gestures alone. It was very heterogeneous in appearance, some of the diners being well dressed, approaching elegance, and others shabby.

Cher Monsieur Reeve, J'etais bien sur de vous faire plaisir en vous envoyant les discours prononces sur la tombe de M. Mignet. Celui de M. Martha est le plus remarquable; M. Jules Simon a tres bien parle aussi; mais on peut trouver cependant que M. Martha l'emporte. Je suis tres sensible a votre amicale invitation, et je serai heureux de visiter cet ete votre ermitage de Foxholes.

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