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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Ha, it is Davy," he cried, "but not the sem lil drummer boy who would not come into my store. Reech lawyer now, I hear you make much money now, Davy." "Congress money?" I said. Monsieur Vigo threw out his hands, and laughed exactly as he had done in his log store at Kaskaskia. "Congress have never repay me one sou," said Monsieur Vigo, making a face.

"Now, Mister, subpose I no say nothing to my good friend I am reech man of my country. I drink Mocha coffee. I am too poor. Suppose I go to my country, back from Aden, I carn drink coffee I am too poor, I drink coffee from outside. Inside coffee, we sell for reech people you Inglesh, and Frinch, and Turkey men." "What do you mean by outside coffee?"

Those reeches pay for your dress for your ring there on your han' for all your good times, and to make you a la-dee. But me I am poor that you and yours may be reech, Senorita Ham-mon'. The treasure of the Ranchio Rose belong to me and to my modder not to you. Thiefs, I say!" Nan burst through the bushes at this juncture. Rhoda had uttered another cry.

"Ha, it is Davy," he cried, "but not the sem lil drummer boy who would not come into my store. Reech lawyer now, I hear you make much money now, Davy." "Congress money?" I said. Monsieur Vigo threw out his hands, and laughed exactly as he had done in his log store at Kaskaskia. "Congress have never repay me one sou," said Monsieur Vigo, making a face.

Beany he was there and Fatty he came after i had got there. lady Clara was laying down and woodent get up. i gess she was prety tired. so we fed her and Fatty brogt some otes. so we curred her down as far as we cood reech and brushed her and then we went home. at brekfast mother asked me what made me smel so barny and i said i had been helping Fatty curry his horse. at noon we fed her agen and tonite we got her up and curred her other side. we dident drive her today.

A'm play heem wan tam' mor'. De w'eel she spin 'roun', de leetle ball she sing lak de bee an', Nom de Dieu! She repe't! De t'irten ween ag'in. A'm reech But non!" The man pointed excitedly to the croupier who sneered across the painted board upon which a couple of gold pieces lay beside a little pile of silver. "A-ha, canaille! Wat you call son of a dog! T'ief!

Rushford glanced about the deserted smoking-room. "No," he said; "I haven't seen any to fall off. I've been wondering how you managed to pay out." "Ah, monsieur," cried Pelletan, wringing his hands, "t'at iss eet I haf been paying out unt paying out until t'e las' franc iss gone. I wass at no time reech, monsieur; at t'is moment I am in ruins!" And, indeed, he looked the part.

They are grand Mesdemoiselles both. Reech! La, la! I hear their father owns r-railroads in your countree. Oui! Yiss, yiss, all right. Zere! I am learning ze language. It cooms easy adieu!" And she vanished through the door. "What do you think of that, Lafe? Why were those two young girls, both Red Cross apprentices, why were they left here alone?

"I have betterr workmen waiting at my door," said he, "far betterr workmen. "You used to think something of my work, sir," I pleaded. "Somesing, somesing yes!" he cried; "enough for a son of a reech man not enough for an orphan. Besides, I sought you might learn to be an artist; I did not sink you might learn to be a workman."

She's goin' be reech an' happy all her life. By golly! Dat's nice, for fac'. I feel lak gettin' drunk." "She'd never stand for that." "I spec' you tol' her you an' me is pardners on dis Frenchman' Hill, eh? An' she's glad 'bout dat " "Oh, see here!" Pierce's tone changed abruptly. "Of course I didn't tell her. That's cold; it's off. D'you think I'd permit " The boy choked and stammered.

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