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WHAT if a drop of rain should plead "So small a drop as I Can ne'er refresh the thirsty mead; I'll tarry in the sky?" What, if the shining beam of noon Should in its fountain stay; Because its feeble light alone Cannot create a day? Does not each rain-drop help to form The cool refreshing shower? And every ray of light, to warm And beautify the flower?

Pickwick earnestly, 'how is our friend he is not ill? 'No, replied Mr. Snodgrass; and a tear trembled on his sentimental eyelid, like a rain-drop on a window-frame-'no; he is not ill. Mr. Pickwick stopped, and gazed on each of his friends in turn. 'Winkle Snodgrass, said Mr. Pickwick; 'what does this mean? Where is our friend? What has happened?

If, indeed, the old order should not pass away if the depths should remain below and the empyrean still keep its place above then, to be sure, your studies would not be in vain; for then your soul, which is fixed on spiritual, supernatural and sublime conceptions, would be drawn upwards to the great Intelligence of which it is the offspring, to the very god, and become one with him absorbed into him, as the rain-drop fallen from a cloud rises again and is reunited to its parent vapor.

But after a hot, dry day, when the plants are thirsty and there is little hope of rain to refresh them, then they are able in the evening to draw the little drops from the air and drink them in before the rising sun comes again to carry them away. But our rain-drop undergoes other changes more strange than these.

"When my precious baby is strong enough ," he began. "I'm strong now." She gripped his fingers. "We'll take a little jaunt together." "We must have moth-er with us, daddy. Oh, dear daddy!" "We'll see mother soon," he said; " very soon." She brushed his cheek with searching fingers. "I think we'd better start right away," she declared. "'Cause isn't this a rain-drop on your face?"

But when, a few days later, the couple took the stage for Rum Valley, the enterprising Spidertracks took an outside passage, and at the end of the route had his persistency rewarded by seeing, in the Bangup House, a Sister of Charity tenderly embrace the major's fair charge, start at the sight of the major, and then, after some whispering by the happy mother, sullenly extend a hand, which the major grasped heartily, and over which there dropped something which, though a drop of water, was not a rain-drop.

The poor-rates are insufficient, vastly insufficient; the philanthropy of the rich is a rain-drop in the ocean, lost in the moment of falling, beggary can support but few among the crowds.

A shining drop rested on the round of her cheek and rolled slowly down her chin to her protecting hand, and lay there half hidden, shining like a rain-drop between two curving petals of a rose. It was just at that moment the painter looked up from his work and shook his bush of hair back. Something in his sketch had displeased him; he looked up frowning, with a brush between his teeth.

It does not trouble them at all to see the watery spheres that round themselves into being out of the vapors floating over us; they are nothing but raindrops. But if a planet can grow as a rain-drop grows, why then It was a great comfort to these timid folk when Lord Rosse's telescope resolved certain nebula into star-clusters.

Pay me for my sacrifice. For an instant her face was radiant. 'If I marry you, she asked, 'will it make everything right? Of that I at once assured her in our marriage the whole difficulty would melt away like a rain-drop in the great sea. 'Our marriage! she repeated in wonder; and the deep ring of her voice seemed to wake us up and show us our folly.