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Won't you come down to the port and bring me another bunch of your mountain orchids when we sail just for good-bye?" Through the dull medium of the glasses she could feel his eyes questioning hers. And she knew that once more before she sailed away, she must look into those eyes, in all their clarity and all their strength and then try to forget them. The swift color ran up into her cheeks.

They spoke their thanks. For the time being, Frank was free to breathe open air under big, stellene domes. But he didn't know in what web of questioning and accusation he might soon be entangled.

They were talking in the most friendly fashion by this time, and Arthur began questioning Merry about college days and his life at Yale. "I'd like to go to Yale," he said; "but the governor has made up his mind on Harvard, and it's Harvard for me." "A fine college," said Frank. "Somehow it seems to me that the fellows at Yale have better times." "In a way, I believe they do.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Stephens hurried his wife along to her room, giving no further answer to her many and wondering enquiries than: "Oh, it's only the heat; don't mix yourself up with all these people," and, without allowing time for remonstrance or further enquiry, he put a stop to all questioning by hurrying the delicate creature along till he deposited her, breath less, in an easy chair.

"I know; but it is the easiest way of reaching my point; so I repeat: How much faith have you in these Christian professions? or, in other words, how many professing Christians do you know who are particularly improved in your estimation by their professions?" The old questioning of Sadie's own heart brought before her again!

In brief, He has supplied all the necessities of life although we did not ask for any of these great gifts. With pure mercy and bounty He has prepared this great table. It is a mercy which precedes asking. There is another kind of mercy, which is realized after questioning and supplication. He has bestowed both upon uswithout asking and with supplication.

Familiar, however, as her master was with the mean-looking things in which lay almost all his dealings, he did not at first recognize the object she offered him; while what connection with his wife's parlor-maid it could represent was naturally inconceivable to him. He stood for a moment staring at the note, and then dropped a pair of dull, questioning eyes on the face of the kneeling girl.

Douglass, with the following: 'If the legislature at Harrisburgh should awaken, to-morrow morning, and find each man's skin turned black and his hair woolly, what could they do to remove prejudice? 'Immediately pass laws entitling black men to all civil, political and social privileges, was the instant reply and the questioning ceased." The most remarkable mental phenomenon in Mr.

"Nay, ask mammy," said Jem, a little offended; and when afterwards the lady went on questioning him in a severe manner, as if she did not believe him, he at last made no answer. "Oh, Jem! Jem! why don't you speak to the lady?" said his mother. "I have spoke, and spoke the truth," said Jem, proudly; "and she did not believe me."

"I shouldn't know what to think on or to wish for with fine things about me, as I haven't been used to. And it 'ud be poor work for me to put on things, and ride in a gig, and sit in a place at church, as 'ud make them as I'm fond of think me unfitting company for 'em. What could I care for then?" Nancy looked at Godfrey with a pained questioning glance.