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"No, I shall not tell you anything more at present. You shall hear the whole story when Reginald Henson stands in the pillory before you. You know now that Henson was at the bottom of the plot to destroy Dr. Bell's character?" "I always felt that our Reginald was a great scoundrel," Littimer purred over his cigarette.

He'll never forget me that. He's my friend for life." He added, as if to himself, "Hope so, anyhow." Lucy at this, had she been a cat, would have purred and kneaded the carpet. As it was, her contentment emboldened her to flights. She was much more bird than cat. "I wonder if you are really a law-breaker," she said. "I don't think I should be surprised to know it of you." He frowned again.

"He acted more like a demon than a human being." "Just like his old father," the Colonel purred benevolently. "When he can't get what he wants, he sulks. I'll tell you what got on his confounded nerves.

But he is a good tiger now, and loves his keeper," and Harry put his hand in, and stroked Snoop, who purred happily. "Oh, I think this is a lovely show!" exclaimed Nellie Johnson. "I'm coming every day." A little later, near the box which had been made into a cage for Snoop, there came a loud noise. Snoop meowed very hard, and hissed as he used to do when he saw a strange dog.

They could hear the soft lip-lip of the water as it welled out beneath the threshold, mingled with the tinkle and fall of the spring branch below. Johnnie turned in her uncle's grasp and clutched him, staring down. Something shining and dark, brave with brass and flashing lamps, stood on the rocky way beneath, and purred like a great cat in the broad sunlight of noon Gray Stoddard's motor car!

To Dick's great delight the wild-cat not only allowed him to stroke it, but even purred as well as a wild-cat can. "Ned, I've got to have that cat. I've given up all my other pets because you didn't want them in the canoe, or there wasn't room. Now Tom will take care of himself and won't need any toting. Shouldn't wonder if he'd feed himself, too." "That's what I'm most afraid of. "Don't worry.

In a little crib a youngster, just recovered from colic, was kicking up his heels. Joe leaned over and tickled the sole of one foot. "Well, Johnny boy!" "Unc! Unc!" cried the infant. The mother purred with delight. "He's trying to say Uncle Joe. Did you ever hear the likes?" Joe beamed with pride. "Well, your uncle hasn't forgotten you, old man!"

Several people will be older and wiser before the culprit is found and hanged." "What Mr. Furneaux has in mind," purred Winter cheerfully, "is the curious habit of some witnesses when questioned by the police. They arm themselves against attack, as it were. You see, Mr. Theydon, we suspect nobody. We try to ascertain facts, and hope to deduce a theory from them.

With a word of farewell he touched the button which controlled the repulsive rays, and as the flier rose lightly into the air, the engine purred in answer to the touch of his finger upon a second button, the propellers whirred as his hand drew back the speed lever, and Carthoris, Prince of Helium, was off into the gorgeous Martian night beneath the hurtling moons and the million stars.

So, in describing Nancy, perhaps it would be effective to point out that the snow began thawing as soon as she arrived, that the motor which carried her home from the station purred along without the "knock" that had been troubling it, and that Tutors' Lane was less bumpy as they passed over it.