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"And then you can see the ladies from London," added Mrs. Marland. "Perhaps the one who isn't young Mr. Prime's will be interesting." "Or," said Charlie, "as mostly happens in this woeful world, the one who is." "I think the less we see of that sort of person at all, the better," observed Lady Merceron, with gentle decision. "They can hardly be quite what we're accustomed to."

It was indeed difficult to say why I still continued to remain in Mr. Prime's employ. Although, as I have indicated, I put the question to myself sometimes, I shrank from doing so, and felt disposed to let the future take care of itself, provided I was permitted to enjoy the present undisturbed. But this was beginning to be more and more difficult.

He was established, and cautiously feeling his way. But necessarily there was little to tell; a fortune cannot be made in a minute. However, I cherished every word of encouragement as so much vindication of my faith; and I came by degrees to feel as though Mr. Prime's new enterprise were my own business, and that my reputation for sagacity were dependent upon his success.

The poetry was about her, wasn't it?" "It's not at all a bad poem," observed Charlie. "You remember I liked it so much that I clapped my hands." "And I jumped!" The girl laughed. "Ah, well," she said, "it's time to go home." "Oh, dear, no," said Charlie! "But I've promised to be early, because Willie Prime's coming, and I'm to be introduced to him." "Willie Prime can wait.

"I was brought here with no chance to inform Alpha Prime's Emperor Kennard. If I'm able to return, I can explain things myself; if I can't, for whatever reason, I'd appreciate it if you'd notify my Sovereign of the circumstances." "I'll see to it, Ranger. Is there anything else?" "Just one thing, if I can indulge my curiosity." The Emperor chuckled. "A weakness you know I share. Go ahead."

My duties for the time were to answer letters, and to copy out and arrange sets of figures at his direction; and he suggested that I should as soon as possible learn short-hand. I could scarcely help laughing aloud as I sat and tried to realize my new position. Mr. Prime's business was as yet, I soon perceived, lamentably small.

He had early made the acquaintance of Pat Latrobe, and there was a bond of sympathy between them which was none the less strong because, on Prime's side, it could neither be admitted nor alluded to that they were desperately in love with the sisters, and it was not long before it began to dawn on Prime that pretty little Nita was playing a double game that even while assuring her guardian sister that she had only a mild interest in Latrobe, she was really losing or had lost her heart to him, and in every way in her power was striving to conceal the fact from Margaret, and yet meet her lover at hours when she thought it possible to do so without discovery.

On the fifth morning after her banishment from the room, she saw Mrs. Prime, the cook, going upstairs with some gruel; and, giving her some beautiful rose-buds which she had gathered, she begged her to give them to Emily, and ask if she might not come in and see her. She lingered about the kitchen awaiting Mrs. Prime's return, in hopes of some message, at least, from the sufferer.

Prime's, not mine, and is full of good sense. I borrowed it from his "Tent Life." It is not possible that there can be any mistake about the locality of the Crucifixion. Not half a dozen persons knew where they buried the Saviour, perhaps, and a burial is not a startling event, any how; therefore, we can be pardoned for unbelief in the Sepulchre, but not in the place of the Crucifixion.

Prime's, not mine, and is full of good sense. I borrowed it from his "Tent Life." It is not possible that there can be any mistake about the locality of the Crucifixion. Not half a dozen persons knew where they buried the Saviour, perhaps, and a burial is not a startling event, any how; therefore, we can be pardoned for unbelief in the Sepulchre, but not in the place of the Crucifixion.