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Then he proposed to consider the probability of the destruction of the globe, either by water or by fire; at another time, the truth or fallacy of presentiments, and the interpretation of dreams. He was very fond of talking of religion. In 1806, he conversed with Fournier, bishop of Montpelier, on matters of theology.

A falling leaf startles the steed, and a shadow the guilty man. "You are sad, Percival," he said inquiringly. "What has disturbed you?" "It is nothing, or, at least, would seem nothing to you," answered Percival, with an effort to smile, for I have heard you laugh at the doctrine of presentiments. We sailors are more superstitious."

My poor betrothed is much grieved and worried. She is alarmed by bad dreams and by presentiments of evil to come. God have mercy on us all! I am so overcome by shock and horror that I can scarcely hold the pen. It has all come in one terrible moment, like a clap of thunder.

There is scarcely any accuracy of vision, except when the events concerned are very near at hand, already developing or actually being consummated; and it then becomes difficult to distinguish it from presentiments, which in their turn are rarely true except where the immediate future is concerned.

Persons of a rheumatic habit are said to apprehend the approach of damp weather by certain presentiments in their bones. So people of a nervous temperament like the writer have premonitions of the approach to "the Front" by a feeling of cold feet.

Her agitated features expressed a lively uneasiness. Extremely surprised, Mdlle. de Cardoville exclaimed: "What do you say?" "M. Rodin betrays you, madame." "M. Rodin? Impossible!" "Oh, madame! my presentiments did not deceive me." "Your presentiments?" "The first time I saw M. Rodin, I was frightened in spite of myself. My heart sank within me, and I trembled for you, madame."

I am not thinking of any one else. I am not pleading to you for the sake of any one else. I am thinking only of yourself. I have had a sort of feeling ever since this man was brought into the house, that trouble would come of it. To me the trouble seems to be gathering even now." Mr. Fentolin laughed softly, a little contemptuously. "Presentiments," he scoffed, "are the excuses of cowards.

The second waltz came, and Ah, well, with Stafford's arm round her, with her head almost pillowed on his shoulder she was happy, and her fears, her vague doubts and presentiments fell from her. "Ah, that was good," she said, with a sigh. "Do not forget the eleventh, dearest! Take me to the prince he is over there." She dropped her curtsey to his royal highness, and Stafford left her with him.

It may be that my presentiments of that afternoon look gloomier now than they were, because I cannot return to them save over a night of agony, black enough to darken any time connected with it. Perhaps my spirits only fell as the wind rose, for wind ever takes me back to Harvie, and when I think of Harvie my thoughts are of the saddest.

At daybreak on the following morning he set out for Cordova, ardent and smiling, filled with presentiments of happiness. But there is no cheerfulness that rules for long in the face of certain sinister aspects of nature. The weather was close and dull; the train, which was nearly empty, ran through an immense plain, destitute of every sign of habitation.