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Updated: August 29, 2024

"No," he emphasized deliberately, "I wouldn't really go so fur's that I ain't figgerin' on makin' no complaint not this time. I got too much regard for the Judge to try to get him into any hot water. But there wa'n't no real use nor reason in his postin' all them invitations to once.

Ye see, they were all as bald on the top o' their heads as punkins. But the fourth justice that I was took to, he wasn't bald, but had a crop o' hair like a picter; and when I offered to put down his name for a dozen bottles, he swore, and fined me five dollars for what he said was a insult to the dignity of justice, and five dollars for postin' up bills in places where it was agin the law. Mr.

"Bill Nickerson comes postin' down to me with the news. "'Bailey, says he, 'what do you think's happened? Stingy Gabe's struck the town. "'For how much? I asks, anxious. 'Don't let him have it, whatever 'tis. "Then he went on to explain. Gabe was rich as all get out, and 'twas his intention to buy back his old man's house and fix it up for a summer home.

His programme is to light up the gas stove reg'lar after dinner and fill his head full of truck out of the trade monthlies and Wall Street columns, postin' himself on Corrugated business. "Gettin' ready to give the old man a few private tips?" says I. "Not until he asks for them," says he. "Then you've got lots of time," says I. "But it's a punk way of enjoyin' yourself."

It's all ben left to me: chargin' an' creditin', postin', individule ledger, gen'ral ledger, bill-book, discount register, tickler, for'n register, checkin' off the N'York accounts, drawin' off statemunts f'm the ledgers an' bill-book, writin' letters why, the' ain't an hour 'n the day in bus'nis hours some days that the's an hour 't I ain't busy 'bout somethin'. No, sir," continued Chet, "Dave don't give himself no trouble about the bus'nis.

Issy's description of this interview, given to a dozen townspeople within the next three hours, was as follows: "Mr. Williams," said the wide-eyed Issy, "he comes postin' into the waitin' room, his foreman with him. Williams marches over to Cap'n Sol and he says, 'Berry, he says, 'are you responsible for the way that house of yours is moved? "Cap'n Sol bowed and smiled.

"'I'm offerin' even money, postin' notices don't hurt this yere camp a little bit, says the stranger. "'Comin' right to cases, says Enright, 'it don't hurt none, but it grates a whole lot. The idee of a mere stranger a-strollin' in an' a-pastin' up of notices, like he's standin' a pat hand on what he knows an' we not in it, is a heap onpleasant. So don't do it no more.

"Where did you get that one?" inquired the owner of the car of Mr. Fennessy, in the course of much lengthy conversation. "I got her from a cousin of my own that died down in the County Limerick," said Mr. Fennessy in his most agreeable manner. "'Twas himself bred her, and she was near deshtroyed fallin' back on a harra' with him. It's for postin' I have her."

He was aroun' 'mong de woun'ed, an' seein' ter buryin' de dead, an' postin' an' arrangin' his men; deed, an' was all ober eberywhar. "By dis time de ebenin' was growin' dark, de woun'ed and been cared for, an' our ossifers an' de Linkum ossifers sat down to supper; an' dey talk an' larf as if dey was good fren's.

"And what is this I hear," said Mistress Skirving, "that the daft young laird frae the Castle has rin' aff wi' that cottar's lassie, Jess Kissock, an' marriet her at Gretna Green. It's juist no possible." "But, grandma, it is quite true, for Jock Gordon brought the news. He saw them postin' back from Gretna wi' four horses!" "An' what says his mither, the Lady Elizabeth?"

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