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Gunning'll never know what way she went. This honest man'll never say where he got her. 'I will not, ma'am, says I. 'I have a brother in the postin' line in Belfast, and it's for him I'm buyin' her." The, process of making nail-holes in the shoe seemed to engross the taciturn young smith's attention for the next minute or two.

"'Why don't you keep the camp informed of this yere orphan an' the play you makes? says Enright, at the time it's explained to the committee, the time they trees Cherokee about them stages. "'It's that benev'lent an' mushy, says Cherokee, 'I'm plumb ashamed of the deal, an' don't allow to go postin' no notices tharof.

The two Westerners nodded their heads at this, and Buck said: "O' course, it's only a ragged chance, but it might go through at that. The best thing will be for him to make the try the first second after dark. The redskins won't start to surround us until then, and by quick work he might get out before they'd finished postin' a ring around us."

Why, guv'nor, I hain't got no work at all" Here he put on a very lugubrious expression. "P'r'aps you won't believe it, sir, but I do assure you that I haven't, in them hard times, had a full day's work for ever so long. And I haven't earned a rap this day, except the penny I got for postin' this here letter."

It's jest then in comes the squar'-built gent, who's been postin' of the notice former, an' p'ints a six-shooter at Gentry an' says "'Put your hands up! put 'em up quick or I'll drill you! Old as you be, I don't take no chances. "'At the first word Nell comes off her stool like a small landslide, while Cherokee brings a gun into play on the instant.

And that gives me an openin' to tell him the whole tale about Mallory, from the hall bedroom act to the way he'd been postin' himself. "You think he's a valuable man, do you?" says Mr. Robert. "Valuable!" says I. "Why, he's all the goods. What if he did learn to talk Greek once? He's forgettin' it, ain't he? And look at the way he stands up to trouble! Don't that show there's good stuff in him?"

The Indian then made a sign to his followers, at the same time calling something to them in a high-pitched voice. "What is he saying?" asked Alice, as she and the others moved off to one side. "He's postin' guard so we can't sneak off, and go down to the plain again," explained Baldy. "There's only one way off, and that's the way we came. He's going to guard that way."

I was swabbin' decks in the barn about eleven o'clock, when he come postin' in, white and shaky, and so nervous he couldn't stand still. Looked as if he had had a stroke almost. "Godfrey scissors! You don't s'pose Heman's comin' back has knocked out his chances for the committee, do you?" "No, sir-ee! 'twan't that.

In postin' myself as to what this Mutual Fundin' Company really is that I'm supposed to be workin' for, I needed some papers from the document safe. And for the first time I pushes the buzzer button. Prompt and eager in comes Vincent, the fair haired. "Know which is Mr. Piddie, do you?" says I. "Oh, yes, Sir," says he.

"No-o," confessed Palmerston. "You would if you were a woman. But, contrariwise, what I like almost better is keepin' shop postin' up ledgers, makin' out bills, to account rendered, second application, which doubtless has escaped your notice, and all that sort of thing.