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You'll have to humor him, listen to his pomposity. But he has made a success of that People's Magazine. It is an influence, and it pays!" "Four hundred thousand a year, chiefly automobile and corset ads, I should say." "Nearly half a million a year!" Conny cried with the air of 'See what I have done for you!

Lincoln's manners was his simplicity and artlessness; this immediately impressed itself upon the observation of those who met him for the first time, and each successive interview deepened the impression. People seemed delighted to find in the ruler of the nation freedom from pomposity and affectation, mingled with a certain simple dignity which never forsook him.

But the fools there are about! Well, I take a strong line' he waved his hand, with a kind of laughing pomposity, rolling his words 'whenever I see a young fellow marrying before he has got his training before he has seen a foreign gallery before he can be sure of a year's income ahead above all, before he knows anything at all about women, and the different ways in which they can play the devil with you! well, I give him up I don't go to see his pictures I don't bother about him any more.

The face had changed; there was none of the old pomposity about those handsome features; it looked worn and cowed, like that of an animal which has been trained to do tricks by hunger and the use of the whip.

"She seemed formed by nature to become a royal favourite, unassuming, remarkably complaisant, possessing a refined taste, with a good-natured disposition, not handsome, but well formed, and untainted by haughtiness or pomposity.

She said in low tones, "I don't see why we should talk about anything. I would much rather not. Everything is changed now everything." Urquhart began with a touch of asperity ill disguised. "Might one be allowed to enquire...?" Scared perhaps by his pomposity, he broke off: "No, that won't do. I'll ask you simply, what has happened? You liked me to say no more. Now you don't.

The main witness depended on by the crown was now summoned, and the solemn countenance of Peter MacGrawler rose on the eyes of the jury. One look of cold and blighting contempt fell on him from the eye of the prisoner, who did not again deign to regard him during the whole of his examination. The witness of MacGrawler was delivered with a pomposity worthy of the ex-editor of the "Asinaeum."

These completed the officer stood before me with all the pomposity he could command and delivered a harangue at high speed in a worrying monotone.

"I should have expressed my displeasure if I had felt it," said his father with all the pomposity that was natural to him. "That had not occurred to me," said Michael. "I am afraid I took your silence to mean that my letters didn't interest you." He paused a moment, and his rebellion against the whole of his father's attitude flared up. "Besides, I had nothing particular to say," he said.

The earl was some years older than the countess, but his placid face showed less wear and tear, a benevolent, kindly face, without any evidence of commanding intellect, but with no lack of sense in its pleasant lines; his form not tall, but upright and with an air of consequence, a little pompous, but good-humouredly so, the pomposity of the Grand Seigneur who has lived much in provinces, whose will has been rarely disputed, and whose importance has been so felt and acknowledged as to react insensibly on himself; an excellent man; but when you glanced towards the high brow and dark eye of the countess, you marvelled a little how the two had come together, and, according to common report, lived so happily in the union.