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Good; And by the common poast: you every weeke Receiving letters from your noble frendes Yet none of their papers can tell any such tidings. Pedro. All this may be too, sir. Man. Why is her father silent? has she no kindred, No frend, no gentleman of note, no servant Whom she may trust to bring by word of mouth Her dismall story. Pedro. No, perhaps she would not Text up his name in proclamations.

Heaven bless you, dearest father, and all those beloved ones now dwelling under the dear old roof at Sizes. "Ever your affectionate son, "Algernon. To this affeckshnat letter his lordship replied, by return of poast, as follos: "MY DEAR ALGERNON, Your letter came safe to hand and I enclose you the letter for Lord Bobtail as you desire. He is a kind man, and has one of the best cooks in Europe.

The country was flat and rather uninteresting except on the extreme left held by "D" Company, where the outlook was over sandy hills studded here and there with patches of scrub. Captain A.R. MacEwen and 2nd Lieut. T.C. Price were lent for temporary duty with a battalion of the 155th Brigade, and as a result the former took a hand in a successful night raid by the K.O.S.B. on "Sea Poast."

Ye're aboot right theer, I reckon, Mrs Browdie, said the countryman good-humouredly, as he came slowly down in his huge top-coat; 'and wa'at dost thee tak yon place to be noo thot'un owor the wa'? Ye'd never coom near it 'gin you thried for twolve moonths. It's na' but a Poast Office! Ho! ho! They need to charge for dooble-latthers. A Poast Office! Wa'at dost thee think o' thot?

Nay, you shall give me something by your leave; you shall pay the poast: good newes for nothing? Hen. Here, here, Buzzano; speake quickly, crowne me with the felicity of a younger brother: is he dead, man? Buz. No, he's come home very well, sir; doe you thinke I goe on dead men's errands. Hen. Pox on the Buzzard! how he startled my bloud! Buz.

That liquour brought me to my speech againe. The night being come they made me come downe all naked as I was, & brought to a strang Cottage. I wished heartily it had ben that of my parents. Being come, they tyed me to a poast, where I stayed a full houre without the least molestation. A woman came there with her boy, inticed him to cutt off one of my fingers with a flint stoan.

General Poast and the Prime Minister shared between them the ordering and disposal of the King's public services to the Nation, while over other departments impenetrable to the Premier the hand of the Comptroller was still extended.

Then I skipped to December: December 1896 1st. Fine and hot. Stripped the weet 60 bages. 2nd. Fine. Killed a snake very hot day. 3rd. Fine. Very hot alle had a boagy in the river. 4th. Fine. Got returns of woll 7 1/2 fleece 5 1/4 bellies. 5th. Fine. Awful hot got a serkeler from Tatersal by the poast. 6th. Fine. Saw Joe Harris at Duffys.

But a pig in a poak is not the way of transacting bisniss imployed by Jeames De la Pluche, Esquire. "And I had a right to speak in this way. I was one of the greatest scrip-holders in Hengland; and calclated on a kilossle fortune. All my shares was rising immence. Every poast brot me noose that I was sevral thowsands richer than the day befor.

Point pierce, edge enwyden, I patiently affoord thee a sheath: spurre foorth my soule to mount poast to heauen. Jesu forgiue me, Jesu receiue me.