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Updated: September 5, 2024

Yes, th'are ships; I know 'em by their foule linen; now I see them plainely; they come, they come, they come! Hen. How far off? Ten. Speake, sirra. Buz. If you would peace I might heare what they say; the wind serves to bring every word they speake: they make towards, yes, towards this Citty.

Take him away & lead him to his brother; You both must die next morning. Hen. I deserve it; And so that Slave, too, that betrayed his Master. Buz. Why should I not betray my Master, when he betrayed his Mistris. Ele. Get you gone, sirra. Mac. You are dismissd: Faire Lady, You shall have Law, your Ravisher shall dye. Ele. Mac.

Enter Buzzano. Buz. Did you call? Hen. Yes, the Balme here Buz. What shall I doe with it? Hen. Lay it up safe; 'tis good for a greene wound But mines a blacke one: and d'you heare, sirra, Draw up the bridge, give entrance unto none. Buz. All my fellowes are abroad, sir; there's nobody at home but I. Hen.

I die in pace wid all the world, save an' except the Findramore people, whom, may the maledictionary execration of a dying man follow into eternal infinity! My manuscription of conic sections " Here an extraordinary buz commenced among the crowd, which rose gradually into a shout of wild, astounding exultation.

"Rouge perd, et couleur." There was a regular buz of wonder through the room at my extraordinary luck, for thus, with every chance against me, I had won again.

Brilliant fish, with scales like silver and gold, swam after the boat, sometimes making a spring and splashing the water round them, while birds, red and blue, small and great, flew after him in two long lines. The gnats danced round them, and the cockchafers cried "Buz, buz." They all wanted to follow Hjalmar, and all had some story to tell him. It was a most pleasant sail.

My boy had always heard of one of these bullies, whose very name, Buz Simpson, carried terror with it; but he had never seen him, because he lived in the unknown region bordering on the river south of the Thomas house.

We regret to say that the popular indignation was so precipitate in its results; otherwise the special artist who sketched Hum, the son of Buz, intended to have made a sketch of the old villain, as he sat with his luckless victim's hind legs projecting from his solemn mouth.

"Rouge perd, et couleur." There was a regular buz of wonder through the room at my extraordinary luck, for thus, with every chance against me, I had won again.

And then once or twice the sleepy voice cryde out, "Oh it was I that murthered him! this hand killd him!" Hen. Art sure thou heardst this? Buz. Am I sure these are my eares? Hen. And dar'st thou sweare thou heardst it? Buz. Lay downe 20 oathes, and see if Ile not take them. Hen. And whose voice was it did appeare to thee? Buz. Whose voice was it?

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