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Dick, led him into our chambers, and began talkin to him in the most affabl and affeckshnat manner. But Dick was too angry to listen; at last, when master was telling him some long story about the Duke of Doncaster, Blewitt burst out "A plague on the Duke of Doncaster! Come, come, Mr.

If she'll marry me, I am ready; if she'll leave you, she shall have a home where she shall be neither bullyd nor starved: no hangry frumps of sisters, no cross mother-in-law, only an affeckshnat husband, and all the pure pleasures of Hyming." Mary flung herself into his arms "Dear, dear Frederic," says she, "I'll never leave you." "Miss," says Mrs.

Heaven bless you, dearest father, and all those beloved ones now dwelling under the dear old roof at Sizes. "Ever your affectionate son, "Algernon. To this affeckshnat letter his lordship replied, by return of poast, as follos: "MY DEAR ALGERNON, Your letter came safe to hand and I enclose you the letter for Lord Bobtail as you desire. He is a kind man, and has one of the best cooks in Europe.

"What, two strings to your bow; ay, Algernon? The dowager a little jealous, miss a little lovesick. But my lady's fit of anger will vanish, and I promise you, my boy, that you shall see your fair one to-morrow." And so saying, my lord walked master down stares, looking at him as tender and affeckshnat, and speaking to him as sweet as posbill. Master did not know what to think of it.