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One night I found him crying silently ... but somehow not ignobly ... this made me shift about in my actions toward him, and see how miserable my conduct had been.... So the next time "Beak-horn," as I called my plug-ugly friend, started to tease the old man, I asked him to stop ... that we had tormented Pfeiler long enough.

He is in a frame of mind right now; and by the time the lawyers are through drilling him in the trespass affair, he'll be just spoiling for a row with somebody." "Do you think so? Oh, how delicious! And then what?" "Then I'd hire some plug-ugly to stumble up against him and pick a quarrel with him. He'd do the rest and land in the lock-up."

It had avenged the deaths of Richardson and King, but it had other work to do. About this time, Yankee Sullivan, prize-fighter, ballot-box stuffer and political plug-ugly, killed himself in Vigilante quarters, evidently mad with fear. Ned McGowan, made of different stuff, arch plotter, thought by many to be the instigator of King's murder, went into hiding.

'We are pretty hard, says one of them, 'but not so hard as they. "The piano gives a bang and a crash. The gray light is beginning to stream through the windows. There is a hurrying and a scurrying among the females, and there are a precious lot of young fellows, with low brows and plug-ugly looks gathering on the floor.

So it was that Saxon had held back the announcement of her approaching marriage until it was unavoidable. She expected a scene, and she got it. "A prizefighter, a hoodlum, a plug-ugly," Sarah sneered, after she had exhausted herself of all calamitous forecasts of her own future and the future of her children in the absence of Saxon's weekly four dollars and a half.

This guy here," she indicated the bearded plotter, who blinked deprecatingly through his spectacles, "h's been waiting on the c'rner of th' street for the last hour with 'n automobile. I've b'n watching him right along. I was onto h's game! Well, just now out came the kid with this plug-ugly here." She turned to Mr. Crocker. "Say you! Take off th't mask. Let's have a l'k at you!" Mr.

"Well," he said judicially, "I think I'd do one of two things: I'd either marry some nice kind man whose judgment I could trust, and turn the job over to him," he glanced sideways at Hardy as he spoke, "or I'd hire some real mean, plug-ugly feller to wade in and clean 'em out. Failin' in that, I think I'd turn the whole outfit over to Rufe here and go away and fergit about it."

Honoria's fine eyes became reflective. "Richard," she said softly, "I'd give anything in the world if I could know that Evan still feels that way about Thomas Gryson." "Then you know the plug-ugly, do you?" said Gantry. "I know of him. He is a criminal and a dangerous man." "Well, he is out of it, I guess; he must be, if his own running-mates can't find him." "Isn't Mr.

It would have broken me all up if that plug-ugly had killed him." "But what a shame you had to wait so long." "I liked it." Nelly Bryant looked about the room wistfully. This was the sort of room she sometimes dreamed about. She loved its subdued light and the pulpy cushions on the sofa. "You'll have some tea before you go, won't you?" said Jill, switching on the lights. "It's very kind of you."

The fight began after the usual amount of bad talk on both sides, and we were pleased to see our man slowly get the better of the New York plug-ugly. After several sharp rounds they closed, and still Payne was ahead, but in an evil moment he spied a pine knot at his feet, which he thought he could reach, and end the fight by cracking Donnelly's head with it.