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There are several of these intermitting springs in different parts of the world, and they are perhaps all to be explained on the principle of the siphon. In the Idyls of Theocritus there are frequent allusions to springs. It was at a spring and a mountain spring at that that Castor and Pollux encountered the plug-ugly Amycus:

"I don't believe it! For what reason? Why?" "Don't that letter tell you? The whole town is chuckling. Every criminal and plug-ugly in the country is spitting in our faces this morning. Yes, sir, the President has fired the chief the man that built up this Forestry Service. The whole works is goin' to hell, that's what it is.

"I don't care how many cards you've got!" said Mr. Bennett with heat. "That dog of yours is sniffing at my ankles!" He looked malignantly at a fine bulldog which now emerged from its cover and, sitting down, beamed at the company. He was a sweet-tempered dog, handicapped by the outward appearance of a canine plug-ugly.

This was the winter famed in the history of Massachusetts, as producing the severest snowstorm ever known, and for a week I was snow-bound in my boarding-house, where my bright-eyed, sweet-faced cousins were most agreeable substitutes for my plug-ugly pupils.

He kept his eyes on the ground, where he was tracing figures with a broken stick. "Well, there's seve-re-al things you could do. You might work the plug-ugly over. It couldn't hurt his looks none, an' it might improve 'em. That's one suggestion. I've got others where that come from." "He's a bad actor. I expect he'd half kill me," Bob muttered. "I reckon he would, onless you beat him to it.

The great universities had long idolized plug-ugly football kickers and baseball sluggers to the utter ignoring of scholarship, until the hordes of eleemosinary prize-fighters among the so-called students created a reign of terror where they were located, and far surpassed in ferocity even the gladiators of ancient Rome.

"Why, say, suppose a plug-ugly sasshays up to you on the street to take a crack at your pearl stick-pin, do you reckon he's going to drop you a postal card first? You gotta be ready for him. See what I mean?" "Let us spar," said Bailey austerely. He had begun to despair of ever making Steve show him that deference and respect which he considered due to the son of the house.

The fight began after the usual amount of bad talk on both sides, and we were pleased to see our man slowly get the better of the New York plug-ugly. After several sharp rounds they closed, and still Payne was ahead, but in an evil moment he spied a pine knot at his feet, which he thought he could reach, and end the fight by cracking Donnelly's head with it.

And she goes off with that plug-ugly who looks as if he had been hit in the face with a coin-die. I call it rocky treatment for a fellah like me. Here, waiter, bring me a cock-tail and make it damned strong." Maggie made no reply. She was watching the doors. "It's a mean piece of business," complained the mere boy.