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Updated: August 4, 2024

To the credit of Del Pinzo if credit it be and if he be entitled to get credit he rode at the rear, not starting his horse until all his men had raced away ahead of him. And then, as Bud, Dick and the others pressed into the defile after them, the Greaser turned and fired once, but with such quick action that eye could scarce follow the motion of his hand and weapon.

"Del Pinzo would rather his men'd get th' lickin's!" answered Snake. "He's hidin' out, I reckon." "I'd like to find his hole!" said Yellin' Kid. The clashing forces were nearer each other now, with the bunch of Happy Valley steers in between, but off to one side. In order that you may better understand what follows, and the positions of the contending parties, I will explain the situation briefly.

So quietly did he approach, and so unexpected was his appearance that Nort and Dick, on whose side of the improvised "fort" Snake first showed himself, were startled. "If that had been any of the Del Pinzo crowd they'd have been on top of us before we knew it," confessed Nort. "Not much!" laughed Bud. "Slim has seen Snake coming along this last three minutes; haven't you, Slim?" "Yep!

It was for this reason that, much as they hated Del Pinzo and his gang, they would not deprive these outlaws of what was a means of life their horses. "But they won't ride after us, and I don't believe they'll give us any more trouble," chuckled Bud, as he visioned the outlaws, used to their comfortable if clumsy saddles, riding bareback.

"I don't see anything!" cried Bud, and though he had looked eagerly forward at Dick's call he had glimpsed neither hat nor face of any personage who might be suspected of being one of the Del Pinzo gang. But, even with that, Bud was not going to miss a chance to be in at the finish of whatever was about to happen, so he spurred his animal forward. "Come on, boys!" cried Slim to his comrades.

One reason for this was that caution was necessary, so that the presence of the skirmishing party be not disclosed, and another was that the information that it was Del Pinzo, and presumably his gang who had ambushed our friends, came as a great surprise. "Del Pinzo?" half gasped Snake Purdee as he ran to Dick's side. "Yes, there he is! See!"

"If this is goin' to be a fight, an' it shore looks as if there was, we want to take all th' advantage we can. They outnumber us two to one!" This was true enough. The fleeting glimpse our friends had of the outlaws, through the crack in the rocky wall, showed that there were more than two score under the leadership of the unscrupulous Del Pinzo.

If you're after the Yaquis you're on the same errand as us. But, if you'll excuse me sayin' so, I'd rather travel my own road." This was a delicate hint to which Del Pinzo was not oblivious. "Surely, senor," he answered, grinning. "You go your way and I go mine. Only let the fighting cease. As you say there is nothing against me now."

"So Del Pinzo is on the rampage again; is he?" asked the Captain, as they neared the lone scout, who was patiently waiting to impart such information as he had. "Well, he won't rampage an awful lot until he gets a new outfit!" chuckled Yellin' Kid, who had ridden up to be on hand when the scout was reached. "What do you mean? Did you shoot him up?" asked the cavalry captain.

"It looks just as if they came up to this point and vanished!" "Pretty slick work I'll give Del Pinzo credit for that," said Slim, as if it were already established that the wily Greaser halfbreed had made the descent on Happy Valley. "How he and his bunch could haze cattle this far into a rocky pass, an' then make 'em disappear, gets me!" "It shore do!" shouted Yellin' Kid.

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