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Updated: August 6, 2024

Phronsie stood up on tiptoe, and achieved Polly's ear. "Who do you think is coming to-night?" she whispered impressively. "To-night? Oh, dear me! I can't possibly guess," said Polly, beginning to think that this one evening of all the year held supreme moments for her. "Who is it, Phronsie? do tell me quickly."

Phronsie rolled over on the grass in a little ball, as Joel knocked against her, and nobody thought for a moment of shutting the bar down. So three more chickens stepped out and hopped away over the grass. "Oh, Joe, Joe, they're all coming out!" cried David, quite beside himself with horror.

Phronsie, trying to button on the waistband, and clinging to it, went stumbling after. "Take care," warned Mrs. Fisher, "don't muss it; it looks so nice now." "There, there, Phronsie, I'll do that," said Polly, a trifle impatiently, looking over her shoulder. "Oh, I want to, Polly," said Phronsie, fumbling for the button. "Do let me; I want to."

"Now I almost know he is going to stay over Christmas." "He is he is!" cried Phronsie in a little scream; "you've guessed it, Polly. And Mamsie said she's gone down town with Grandpapa; he's going to get tickets for the concert to-night, so that you can all go together, even if you can't sit together, and she said that" "Oh, Phronsie!" exclaimed Polly in dismay and she stood quite still.

"The best way to fix it is to go where we are put," he said at last, trying to speak pleasantly. "No, I'm going with Polly," declared Adela, perversely, holding Polly tighter than ever. "I'm going with you, Polly," cried Phronsie, running up gleefully, "Grandpapa says I may." "Well, so am I," announced Adela, loudly.

Her face began to get very red, and she straightened up so suddenly to show Polly just how very big she was that her little head came up against the edge of the tub over it went! a pile of saucers followed. "There now," cried Polly, "see what you've done!" "Ow!" whimpered Phronsie, breaking into a subdued roar; "oh, Polly! it's all running down my back."

Mother Pepper had gone into the bedroom to tuck Phronsie away for the night, when Joel said triumphantly, "We know something, Dave and me, and we won't tell what 'tis." "All right," said Ben, coolly. "Polly, I guess I'll mend Mamsie's washboard. I shan't have another chance so good this week."

"I shall give up!" said Polly, tumbling over in a chair, with the cake spoon in her hand, from which a small sticky lump fell on her apron, which Joel immediately pounced upon and devoured. "What do you want to bake, Phronsie?" she gasped, holding the spoon sticking up straight, and staring at the child.

"Well, he's gone; now we must run back, Jasper, and finish our game." And they were off, the other players following. "I'd like to see this very whale again," said Phronsie, with a small sigh; "Grandpapa, I would, really; he was a nice whale." "Yes, he was a fine one," said old Mr. King. "I don't know as I ever put eyes on a better specimen, and I've seen a great many in my life."

"And you'd be stuck to your rock here, Adela; while, Phronsie, you and I would sit on the edge of a cloud, and let our feet hang over; and oh, Adela, you could sketch us then as we went sailing by."

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