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You was green as a mess o' cowslops, or you'd a seen what they was arter. I thought you'd git nipt a grain, or my name wasn't Troffater. But I dasn't tell you what I thought on 'em. You wouldn't a' b'lieved me, I ben such a witch with my word. I spose you know the fellers have been heern from? They run out of all they cabbaged here perty quick.

"Um!... They been lettin' him make a mite of money up to now, eh? So he calc'lated on gittin' rich at one wallop. Kind of led him along, I calc'late, till they got him to swaller hook, line, and sinker ... and then they up and jerked him floppin' on to the bank.... Who owns this here bucket shop?" "Tim Peaney." "Perty slick, is he?"

"Hear things hain't goin' right down to the new pulp mill," said Deacon Pettybone, one bitterly cold afternoon, when he came into Scattergood's store to thaw the icicles out of his sparse beard. "Do tell," said Scattergood. "Be perty bad for you if they was to go wrong, wouldn't it?" "Perty bad, Deacon." "'Most ruin you, wouldn't it? Clean you out? Leave you with nothin'?"

"Bill's like one o' them big express trains you see at th' Junction," Shorty hissed. "Takes him some time t' get started, but he gets somewheres when he does." Bill tried to look as though he hadn't heard this, and turned to Injun, with what was supposed to be an expression of brotherly frankness on his face. "Just among friends, Injun, d'ye think white folks as a class stacks up perty good?"

"Now here we air, with all the gold there ever was molded, an' a hull two bottles o' coggnac left, which takes holt e'enamost better'n Hundson's Bay rum. Ain't it a perty leetle ol' world to play with, all with nice pink stripes erroun' hit?" He filled his tin and broke into a roaring song: There was a ol' widder which had three sons Joshuway, James an' John.

I bet you most cats would 'a' given up and drowned long ago. The water's awful cold, and I expect he was perty supprised when he lit in it." "Herman's makin' a fuss again," Sam said. "We better get the ole cat out o' there if we're goin' to." "Well, this is the way we'll do," Penrod said authoritatively: "I'll let you hold the trousers, Sam.

The driver's conversation tone to his passengers was also a yell. "Train was an hour late t'night," he said, addressing the interior. "It'll be nine o'clock before we git t' th' inn, an' it'll be perty dark travellin'." Hawker waited decently, but at last he said, "Will it?" "Yes. No moon." He turned to face Hawker, and roared, "You're ol' Jim Hawker's son, hain't yeh?" "Yes."

Take this chair right here, Mr. Baines. What can I do for you?" "Depends. Uh-huh! Depends.... Calc'late to make a perty good livin', Bob?" "No complaints." "Studied it yourself, didn't you out of books? No college?" "Yes." "Hard work, wasn't it? Mighty hard work?" "It might have been easier," said Bob, wondering what Scattergood was getting at.

He said: "Yes, but you mustn't spile 'em, fur I want to keep 'em perty till I git out war pap lives." He then pulled out a leather pouch, opened it, took out a handkerchief, unfolded it very carefully, and produced the three cards. My friend shrugged his shoulders and laughed. I asked old Jack to show us how he played the game, when he said: "I can't show yer so good without a table."

Presently he added: "She's perty ... and bein' perty is kind of a remarkable thing ... bein' perty and young.... Don't seem like God ought to hold folks accountable fer bein' young, nor yet fer bein' good to look at ... but they's times when it seems like He does...." On his way back to the store after dinner, Scattergood stopped at the bank corner, hesitated a moment, and then mounted the stairs to the offices above.