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Updated: August 16, 2024

<b>APPIA, MME. THÉRÈSE.</b> Member of the Society of the Permanente Exposition of the Athénée, Geneva. Born at Lausanne. Pupil of Mercié and Rodin at Paris. Mme. Appia, before her marriage, exhibited at the Paris Salon several years continuously. Since then she has exhibited at Turin and Geneva.

In different stages of the progress of knowledge, philosophers have employed, for the colligation of the same order of facts, different conceptions. The early rude observations of the heavenly bodies, in which minute precision was neither attained nor sought, presented nothing inconsistent with the representation of the path of a planet as an exact circle, having the earth for its centre. As observations increased in accuracy, facts were disclosed which were not reconcilable with this simple supposition: for the colligation of those additional facts, the supposition was varied; and varied again and again as facts became more numerous and precise. The earth was removed from the centre to some other point within the circle; the planet was supposed to revolve in a smaller circle called an epicycle, round an imaginary point which revolved in a circle round the earth: in proportion as observation elicited fresh facts contradictory to these representations, other epicycles and other eccentrics were added, producing additional complication; until at last Kepler swept all these circles away, and substituted the conception of an exact ellipse. Even this is found not to represent with complete correctness the accurate observations of the present day, which disclose many slight deviations from an orbit exactly elliptical. Now Dr. Whewell has remarked that these successive general expressions, though apparently so conflicting, were all correct: they all answered the purpose of colligation; they all enabled the mind to represent to itself with facility, and by a simultaneous glance, the whole body of facts at the time ascertained: each in its turn served as a correct description of the phenomena, so far as the senses had up to that time taken cognizance of them. If a necessity afterward arose for discarding one of these general descriptions of the planet’s orbit, and framing a different imaginary line, by which to express the series of observed positions, it was because a number of new facts had now been added, which it was necessary to combine with the old facts into one general description. But this did not affect the correctness of the former expression, considered as a general statement of the only facts which it was intended to represent. And so true is this, that, as is well remarked by M. Comte, these ancient generalizations, even the rudest and most imperfect of them, that of uniform movement in a circle, are so far from being entirely false, that they are even now habitually employed by astronomers when only a rough approximation to correctness is required. “L’astronomie moderne, en détruisant sans retour les hypothèses primitives, envisagées comme lois réelles du monde, a soigneusement maintenu leur valeur positive et permanente, la propriété de représenter commodément les phénomènes quand il s’agit d’une première ébauche. Nos ressources

<b>BOISSONNAS, MME. CAROLINE SORDET.</b> Honorable mention at the Salon of Lyons, 1897. Member of the Exposition Permanente Amis des Beaux-Arts, Geneva. Born in Geneva. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Geneva, under Prof. F. Gillet and M. E. Ravel. This artist paints portraits principally.

La política no es una ocupación permanente que pueda absorber el tiempo de una persona que tiene otros negocios regulares que atender. De hecho, con excepción de los funcionarios políticos y ciertos profesionales, la mayoría de los ciudadanos no emplea en política más que el tiempo puramente preciso que le permiten sus ocupaciones ordinarias.

<b>NIEDERHÄUSEN, MLLE. SOPHIE.</b> Medal at the Swiss National Exposition, 1896. Member of the Exposition permanente de l'Athénée, Geneva. Born at Geneva. Pupil of Professor Wymann and M. Albert Gos, and of M. and Mme. Demont-Breton in France. Mlle. Niederhäusen paints landscapes principally, and has taken her subjects from the environs of Geneva, in the Valais, and in Pas-de-Calais, France.

In 1903 the city of Geneva commissioned her to paint a portrait of Philippe Plantamour, which is in the Museum Mon-Repos, at Geneva. Member of the Société des Beaux-Arts of Lausanne, Société des Femmes peintres et sculpteurs de la Suisse romande, Société de l'exposition permanente des Beaux-Arts, Geneva. Born at Payerne, Canton de Vaud.

The three united committees declared that it was necessary to take measures for the public safety, and on the 5th July the assembly pronounced the solemn declaration: Citizens, the country is in danger! All the civil authorities immediately established themselves en surveillance permanente.

Enfin regardons la situation actuelle comme penible, mais pas du tout permanente. Tu peux compter que du moment ou je le pourrai je quitterai la Revue; j'y suis bien decide." After this letter, my husband, feeling much better, came back to London to resume his work, and wrote about what he thought most important or most interesting to me.

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